
Oh yeah starting with Die is also a pronunciation I've heard at times, but never used.
might be my british accent
Die-men-she-o, similar to the word Dimension, just with the 'shun' at the end replaced with a 'she-o'
I feel like Mario himself would sometimes too.
Mario says his own name a lot and I have never heard him pronounce as "may ree oh". It's always "Marr ree yo" and it sometimes sounds like "Mah Dee Oh". I hear some people pronounce the first syllable different but to me, like "ah". First syllable to me rhymes with car, bar, tar. Barrio and Mario rhymes.
Mario says his own name a lot and I have never heard him pronounce as "may ree oh". It's always "Marr ree yo" and it sometimes sounds like "Mah Dee Oh". I hear some people pronounce the first syllable different but to me, like "ah". First syllable to me rhymes with car, bar, tar. Barrio and Mario rhymes.
i always thought it was "mah-ree-yo" with the first syllabyle being like "Marry" not "Marble"
Only English really pronounces it like "mary" (like why is "Marion" "mare-yan"?). Not Italian. Not French. Not Spanish. Even the Japanese katakana has "ma" for a syllable. There's a character in Super Mario Maker who's named after that "bastardized" pronunciation.
Some people say Worio and that just sounds incorrect in every way.

I pronounce Wario like in war. Rhymes with fore.

Funny thing is Daisy in Mario Strikers Charged pronounces it like that too.
well i say waaa-reee-oh
I've heard of Wario stress variation too. For me, the stress is in the first syllable of the word. WAR-ee-oh
for me, the A is definitely an "aaah", not an "oh".

That's how Wario says his own name, personally i think if he himself says it that way it must be right.
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I don't even stress on any specific syllable when I say Wario TBH. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just say Wa-Ri-O, although the 'r' sound is more of a Spanish R than an English one (not the trilled R, the one that some English speakers say sounds like a 'd' sound).

Same actually applies to how I say Mario, too.
OK, here's a biggie:
I say Juh-roo-dow, but I've also heard Guh-roo-dow.
I mean, per BOTW, it's officially ge-roo-do, which (roughly) matches up with the pronunciation given by how Gerudo is written in Japanese. (ゲルド, which is romanised as 'gerudo', if it was meant to be pronounced with a 'J' sound, it'd be ジェルド/jerudo in kana)

Incidentally, ge-roo-do is how I've always said it.