Ray Trace
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  • I hate politics.
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    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    What I hate about politics is how it makes people who have different opinions hostile towards each other. That's why I absolutely refuse to tell everyone on this board what my political or religious/non-religious beliefs are ever, or discuss politics, so if there's for instance a thread about the 2030 election or something I won't be posting on there. No thanks. Politics brings out the worst in people. I'll vote for whoever I want to vote for, but sorry, not saying who to any of you, thank you.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    What's also bad is that political mail is also a bitch to deliver mail for, plus I hate people who broadcast their political beliefs publically, if it's wearing t-shirts, plastering their car with ugly stickers, or putting out these hideous flags and banners on their front lawn. Nobody gives a shit who you personally support.
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    @Ray Trace Ain't that the truth! 🤣 (was agreeing with that last point.)
    working on my spice tolerance, shin ramen and buldak spicy carbonara are the spiciest things ive consistently eaten
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    There was some curry I ate in Spain three years ago that was tasty but pretty yikes levels of spicy
    I've eaten jalapenos with nearly every school lunch for so long, I have a sort of spice-protection, where I can just take it and not feel uncomfortable. And my dad puts a lotta spices on everything we eat, and because of Louisiana, I'm just an all-around spicy pro. One day, I will take on the Carolina Reaper though
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    i have a history of not taking spicy foods well (in terms of eating) that's why im practicing it

    my gut is taking buldak fine but typically doesn't like the shin ramen.

    i can't really handle spicy tacos tho, mostly spicy ramen
    A 75 year old lady called out to me today as I was delivering mail, fallen and she couldn't get up. I tried to help her up but I couldn't. Got the neighbor involved, and neither of us could help her up. I then had to call 911, and they sent a firetruck crew to help put her in a wheelchair. She told me that she was sitting out there for at least an hour and a half under the sun with bad knees and a healing hip, the poor soul, but I'm glad she's fine now.
    Just like with Koopa con Carne, you were one of the first faces I saw when I first visited the site. Thank you, Ray Trace, for inspiring me to join the Boards, and being a great fellow member to me.
    Happy Juneteenth everyone!
    Last week was dog bite awareness week and here are some things I'll share with you to prevent dogs from attacking your mail carrier.

    • Do not ground pound the stake your dog is attached to. Your mail being delivered is more important than the Power Star behind the gate.
    • Do not make your mail carrier wear the Deku Scrub mask. This specifically applies to the Skull Kid.
    • Avoid giving treats to Broggy at Broggy's shop.
    • Deplete Isabelle of her balloons in Battle Mode and kill her first in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
    • If you live in a haunted mansion, do not give your mail carrier a Gold Bone.
    • Have a dinosaur made of yarn that can eat the fireball-spitting varieties for your mail carrier.
    • If your dog just so happens to be a giant stapler, deplete its staples and have 1000 Fold Arms ready.
    The biggest upgrade in the TTYD remake is obviously Mario's mailbox, they changed it from having a tiny shitty slot to the entire thing being openable, so Parakarry can fit Mario's 5th order of plumbing screws of the week inside there.

    Dude was out biking with his dog, unleashed, and that dog suddenly charged at me.

    How is everyone doing.
    All of those times slaving away the brutal 10 hour, 6 day work weeks are paid off with a 2000 dollar beefy computer that is now replacing my obsolete, old defunct one that would have issues.

    GPU: rtx 4070ti super
    CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900K 3.20 GHz
    RAM: 32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)

    I'm very happy about this and I'm pretty proud of myself.
    Knowing the political affiliation of the people you deliver political advertisements to is TMI man.
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    Reactions: November
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    I prefer to not talk about politics with people. It tends to inevitably cause arguments. Bet you wish you didn't know that information.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    There is one house that flew giant Trump flags on their front lawn and they gave me water.

    I appreciate the gesture but I'm just uncomfortable interacting with such people at all.
    You retired from the staff?
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I still have access to wiki staff channels and whatnot, so I can still discuss staff matters, but I don't have the obligation and tools to perform maintenance.
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    @Ray Trace That's probably a relief, actually. I mean, it's a lot of work to be a moderator.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    It's not really a whole bunch of work but it does feel nice to be free from an obligation.
    Baldur's Gate 3 won GOTY, deservedly so.
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    Wonder won... best family game at least.
    Plus TOTK won best action adventure, Pikmin 4 with best sim/strategy, and Forza Motorsport won both best sports/racing and innovation in accessibility.
    Not a terrible year
    I hate December.
    That makes two of us, friend. I hate December as well due to all the holidays that come with the month. And given my autism, I struggle to deal with all the holiday havoc of this month.
    Yeah, holiday depression and anxiety are very real things that need to be addressed. Everything everywhere says December is supposed to be the happiest time of year and that just makes people with holiday depression/anxiety feel worse.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    December isn't my least favorite month of the year (that's August maybe) but in December 2019 my parents threw away my 3DS so it definitely isn't my favorite either. I feel like my favorite month of the year is November, there's another family celebration holiday and break but it's more quiet of a month.
    You walk out of your home and then you see this on your street, how would you react? (a sixth one also just drove out of this shot)

    (btw, mine is the one on the back, on the far left)
    Drawing is nothing but practice. You were very very correct.

    And also lots of references.
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    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Yep you have to draw over and over and over again! Did you make any drawings lately?
    Captain Galaxy
    Captain Galaxy
    Wow, I'd like to learn to be half as good.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    @Waluigi's mom Nice! Keep going, but don't get complacent. Always see your work through a critical lens and strive to make out its problems--every good artist does so.

    Also finish your longform work. I mean it. Never let laziness and anxiety creep up onto you, otherwise you'll never improve.
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