Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)





So, this is it huh?! After all I did, even after I put heart and soul into this, you all decided to crush my own dream and ambitions like it was only a small dust in a infinite universe, but... but it was more than that! But now... it will never be over, I will make sure that this assault on my poor self will be remembered for ALL ETERNITY! If this is how powerless I am to stop this cycle of the strong trampling the weak, then it remains only one thing left to do. It is time to join with the ETERNAL FLAMES, MWAHAHAHAHAHA!


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Heh heh heh...
You may have won this time, Super Arrow...
But I assure you, Lisa Brilliant is next in line...
So here's the reward for all of that effort... a section on Super Arrow! Enjoy!

But now we do it all over again! Voting goes on until April 3rd this month. Hop to it!

#12: Kate Alen
#14: Jack Levin
#17: Antonio Guster
#21: Mrs. Arrow
#23: Silver Neelsen
#24: Michael Chain
#26: John Tanaka
#27: Draq
#28: Roger Buster
#29: Dr. Clash
#35: Daigoroh
#37: Lily Flyer
#31: Lucy Liberty
#32: Miss Killer/Luna Ryder
#33: Lisa Brilliant
#N/A: Clank Hughes
After last time's debacle, I don't want to hear any Arrow, Draq or Silver Neelsen... Now, because of this, and after you all decided to go against my dear wish, my only hope is that you all join me this month and vote for Kate Alen.

Let's see how the megastar singer does well into the race course. For Kate Alen!

only because i said i would if super arrow won last month
Well here we are, back voting for Mach Speed Mayhem once again. Objectively the greatest character in the F-Zero series, Super Arrow, has won (completely fairly, by the way, that News Flush article was clearly Draq propaganda) and his installment has been published today. Where do we go from here? There's no way it's not all downhill, right?

WRONG! I will now be campaigning for Super Arrow's lovely wife, Mrs. Arrow! Not only is she a superior racer to Super Arrow himself, if you can even believe that, but she's responsible for Super Arrow starting his racing career in the first place! And of course, since Super Arrow is married to her, that says a lot about what a great person she is. Let's get her in the winner's circle this month.
Fine... Fine! I've seen enough... All aboard the Dutch Railways Hype Train. Destination: Victory!

Unvote: Kate Alen
Vote: Silver Neelsen