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  • Due to unforeseen circumstances, Lightning Direct will begin sooner than planned, at . We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
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    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Revin, I admire your work and I absolutely cannot wait to see and experience, after that, your game celebrating the strategy board as a whole and your tenth anniversary, because it's shaping up to be a blast, as an outside looking in.
    Don't forget, the second ever Lightning Direct will be held in the Mindless Junk board . Make sure to tune in for up to 40 minutes of brand-new Lightning content, including an enormous deep dive on Lightning "Mafia" 2++ and a special guest musical performance!
    Imma train you to uh… recite the entire two scenes where Friar Tuck blows up with expletives at the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood YTP Prince John's Holiday with Satan!
    Tune in at for a Lightning Direct featuring roughly 15 minutes of information mainly focused on Lightning-related projects launching this year.

    Please keep your eye on the Mindless Junk board at the specified time to tune in to this life-changing event.
    Hey, can you get me in contact with Detective Fulbright? I need to ask him something...
    How do I do a mafia game? CAN I do a mafia game? (I wanted it to be among us themed) (what if the main characters can be SHEEP then they can be crewmates, maybe Mario characters on a spaceship?)
    Last call for Sheep Mafia signups! Signups will be closing (March 24th, 8AM AEDT), so if you'd like to join, now is your last chance!
    wait whats that time code ive never seen it before
    it's a handy dandy Time code which lets you put in a time and it then automatically changes it to the timezone that the user viewing it has set in their profile. you can insert it by pressing the clock button on the options bar that appears when you're writing a post
    its a really useful tool to have on a website with people from lots of timezones, and so it gets use a lot in projects that involve a good amount of scheduling and deadlines, like mafia, killing game and the Awards ceremonies
    • Wow
    Reactions: Alex95
    It's only been a day and a half since it went up, but signups are filling fast for Sheep Mafia! There's still four spots left, so if you'd like to play the game, get in while you can, because there won't be any more spots opening for players once those ones are filled.
    Good morning, Mario Boards! Do you like hidden role strategy games? Did you watch the Rogues of Rogueport mafia and think "Gee, I sure wish I could play a cool game like that"? Do you like sheep?! If the answer to any of those questions is "Yes!", then please consider signing up for Sheep Mafia. It's a mafia game that's all about... sheep! Pretty self explanatory, really.

    A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says "Why the long face?"
    The horse responds "Well, you see, Norman" (that's the bartenders name) "I'm in a bit of a pickle. I got a real problem on my hands, you know. You see, my brother Alejandro is getting married tomorrow, to the daughter of the famed tennis coach Fredrick Lammington. Now, I'm quite happy for my brother, he's a great guy and the girl he's marrying is a very kind and beautiful woman, and she's got a great backhand. But the problem is, Norm, that about 10 years ago, me and my cousin Stinky were hangin' out round the back of the barn, and we made a bit of a wager, he and I. He said to me "If you can do the Chicken Dance at your brother Alejandro's wedding reception, then I'll give you five bucks. If you can't, you have to give me a FERRARI!!!" Now, anyone can see this is a bad idea, but oh! Foolish young stallion that I was, I took him up on his deal, thinking to myself "How hard can it be?" And now that fated day draws near, and I've realised a terrible truth. I don't know how to do the chicken dance, because I'm a horse. Now, it would be remiss of me not to keep my end of the bargain, but you know me, Norman, I'm a simple horse. I plow the fields and make an honest wage, and the only luxury I can afford myself is to come to this here bar every Friday night and buy myself a nice chicken parma... the best parma in town."

    After hearing the horse's plight, the bartender sits back and thinks, and comes upon a moment of inspiration. "I think I've got it! It just so happens that my sister Sarah, who lives in Hollywood, has come down to visit me this weekend, and she happens to be a choreographer. Now, we were meant to catch up on old times tomorrow, but as it so happens, just today my co-worker Steven was involved in a very unfortunate accident involving a snowboard and 3 elephants, and since we don't have anyone to cover his shift, I'll be here working all day tomorrow, and my sister won't have anything to do. If you like, I can ask her if she'd like to come along with you to the wedding and she can teach you how to do the Chicken Dance. She's quite a social butterfly, so I'm sure she'll be happy to meet some new people."

    The horse whinnied in relief. "That would be a huge help, Norm. Sorry to put you out like that, but I really do appreciate it." At this point, the waitress, Laqueesha, walked over and said... "Chicken parma?" "Oh, that's mine." "Enjoy your meal, sir." The horse looked at his meal with a reassured look, and began to eat. "Ahh.... best parma in town."
    The next day, the horse hopped in his car and drove over to the bartenders house. After trotting over to the door, he knocked on it three times with his hooves. CLONK CLONK CLONK. After a moment, the door opened and a young woman answered the door. "Oh, hi there! I'm Sarah, nice to meet you. Norm told me all about you. I'll be out in a minute." Soon enough, they were both in the car, and they made it to the wedding. Everything progressed quite well throughout the ceremony. The groom stood with the groomsmen, the bride came down the aisle with her father - at which point Sarah leaned over to the horse and whispered in his ear "Is that the famed tennis coach, Fredrick Lammington?", to which the horse nodded affirmatively - and they exchanged a pleasant set of vows. After the ceremony itself finished, the guests started to shuffle into a large hall where the reception would take place. The hall itself had been decorated with incredible beauty and eloquence, and it was clear that no expense had been spared. In the centre of the room, there was a long stretch of tables containing a variety of foods - on one end, there was a bowl of punch, and then placed throughout there were various meals of all varieties, with a particular focus on salads (and a few bowls of grass, for those of the groom's family with more simple palates) - and in the corner of the room there was a bar where those old enough would be able to acquire their beverage of choice.

    After making it into the hall, the horse took Sarah aside, and began to speak with her. "Look, Sarah, I know I've only known you for a short time, but I have a favour to ask you... I need to know how to do the Chicken Dance. Your brother told me you're a choreographer, so you're the only one who can help me..." Sarah looked at him kindly, and said "Look, I've enjoyed coming to a wedding where I know literally nobody... but I'm still a little disappointed that my family plans this weekend fell through, and all the food here is, er... well, it's a bit grassy for my tastes. I think I'm just going to get myself a drink, and after I've had it I'm going to go and see if I can find a place that will serve me a nice chicken parma... But, I can probably give you a couple of pointers while I have my drink." After saying this, both Sarah and the horse looked at the bar, and found quite a surprise. Indeed, there was, in fact, an enormous line of people waiting to get a drink, for everyone at the wedding reception had decided to get a drink at the same time. And right in the middle, halfway down the line, was cousin Stinky, looking at them with a devious look of mischief on his face. You know, that kind of look which says "Heh heh heh... imma get me a ferrari today!" Upon seeing this, Sarah turned to the horse and awkwardly said "Umm, on second thought... I might skip the drink? I guess this is goodbye... 😅" The horse immediately began to panic, and began to look for a way to buy some time to work out a plan. Fortunately, it was at this very moment that dear Uncle Boris began to walk by. Now, Uncle Boris was quite a character, you know. You know that fellow who you only ever see at family reunions, who spends most of his time regaling anyone who is willing to listen with long, winding tales, full of unnecessary details and a ridiculous amount of side notes (really, Uncle Boris, was it that necessary for us to know the name and occupation of the daughter-in-law's mother? She's not even relevant to the story.), much of which may not even be true? That is the kind of fellow that Uncle Boris is. Naturally, there are moments when you may want to avoid him, if you value being able to spend any time at all that day not listening to his stories, but this was an opportune moment for the horse. He gestured over to his uncle and said "Oh, Uncle Boris! Have you met Sarah? She lives in Hollywood." "Ohhhhh... Hollywood, you say?" replied Uncle Boris, as he took a sip from his drink "Why, I used to work as a driver in Hollywood... yes, I would ferry the guests for the Conan O'Brian show... Why, this one time, I was bringing in a comedian, and I said to him..."

    With Sarah now occupied for the next few moments, the horse began to ponder his next move. How would he get a drink for Sarah? He considered his options, but there didn't seem to be many. It would take too long to wait in the line - even Uncle Boris' stories aren't that long - and he couldn't cut in line, as that would be impolite. The horse racked his brain, and looked around the room, in an increasingly frantic manner. At last, something in the room caught his gaze: the bowl at the end of the table. "PUNCH! Punch is technically a drink, right??" Wasting no time, the horse carefully galloped over to the punch bowl, and began to fill a glass with punch. And, naturally, since everyone was waiting to get a drink from the bar, there wasn't any need to wait for the punch. There was no punchline.
    Hey, buddy.
    Can I ask ya something?
    It's something ta do with Konosuba and your signature made me ask you.
    So, yeah.
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    Did you ever watch the entirety of CircleToonsHD's The Everything Tier List?
    Promise me, it has something to do with Konosuba.
    no, never heard of it
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    I suggest you check it out in your free time.
    Are you rebelling against the cats or did you just decide to be a Muppet, either way I respect both
    i'll be real, i didnt notice cat themes until i went into the new avatar/sig/whatever thread, but it is a funny coincidence. i actually chose rowlf because i did this theme waaaaaaaaaaaay back in like, 2012, and i thought it would be fun to revisit
    perhaps i can offer you cat lovers a compromise
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    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Actually I prefer dogs too, I'm just in disguise but shhh don't tell anyone
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    Dogs are better/
    ive never watched pulp fiction and have no idea who this guy is but dang its still out there. like the comment he left on that tweet is something i'd expect from a celebrity parody account but no its the real deal lol

    "Easily one of the best experiences in a cinema I've ever had. I would go as far as saying it's the reason cinema was invented. " - Roger Avary, apparently
    • Wow
    Reactions: Keqing
    did u watch it
    i don't think theres any cinemas near me that are showing it
    maybe if it gets put on crunchyroll or something i will, but i havent watched any anime in a while tbh
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