How do you pronounce the word "Bob-omb"?

How do you pronounce the word "Bob-omb"?

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I say it as Bob-Ahm since that is how it's spelled. It's like, if you're saying sixty-year-old, you don't pronounce it "six-tyear-rold", you know?
I actually always just said "Bomb" like normal (and still do half the time) but I believe any of the options you listed are just as likely as the others. The way I say it changes practically every time.
bɒb ɒm

'boh bomb' is the closest but I don't pause after the 'oh'. Voting other! 😂

I say it as Bob-Ahm since that is how it's spelled
'ah' isn't an 'o' 🤔
What blof said is how I pronounce it
I've always pronounced it Buh-bomb entirely because I spent my entire childhood reading the word as Bo-bomb and not Bob-omb.

(Bo-bomb still makes more sense to me than Bob-omb tbh)
I've always pronounced it Buh-bomb entirely because I spent my entire childhood reading the word as Bo-bomb and not Bob-omb.

(Bo-bomb still makes more sense to me than Bob-omb tbh)

It definitely makes more sense for the name to be Bo-bomb, but I guess that's a little harder to make out like it's an original name lol.
I've always said it as Bomb-Om.
I think it's supposed to be BOB-omb (as a play on the name Bob and the word bomb), but sometimes I get lazy and say buh-BOMB.
Buh-Bomb (B-Bomb), because that's how they pronounced it on the cartoon. Before that, I assumed it the way it's spelled; "Bob-omb", and then it figured the cartoon way was simpler to say.
I just said "Bob-omb" with the stress on the first syllable. BOB-omb. Why do most people not pronounce the last consonant tho
Definitely between "Buh-bomb" and "Bob-Ahm" I find myself jumping between the two at points.