What are people's thoughs on Shrek in Smash?

If they absolutely need to add an animated character from movies, why him, out of all things?
Because someBODY once told me that Shrek really isn't a bad movie, and he'd be great for Smash.
shrek movies might be good yea (i needa actually watch these proper) but i still find the idea stupid honestl;y
shrek should be in smash
When I first found out people want him in, I was like, "Huh?" since I had yet to actually see any of the movies. Now, I'm just like, WHY?
I don't know why, but when I hear about anyone who isn't a video game character "For Smash!" I get this angry feeling way deep down where I can barely feel it... Eh, I don't know what to think.
I don't know why, but when I hear about anyone who isn't a video game character "For Smash!" I get this angry feeling way deep down where I can barely feel it... Eh, I don't know what to think.


My gosh please no. Sponge Bob is stuuuupid. #Homeschooler.
N. O.
On an unrelated note, you guys should look at the new thread I made.
I like the first two movies and forever after as much as the next guy, but ye 'ol onion-scented ogre best be sticking to his swamp.