Mario pictures

I'm sure a joke involving gravity, penguins, and cliffsides have been made.

But WILL gravity play its part in allowing Mario and the penguin daughter get away from a high speed chase in a plastic storage tub??? Or will friction prevail and Big Bully give them a harsh scolding for parental responsibility?!?
Long after the releases of Super Mario Bros. 3, Mario is Missing, and the infamous Mario quiz cards, Nintendo reaffirms that Christianity is constituent of the Marioverse.


Sure, you could argue that this is just a Mario-fied depiction of Amsterdam and not really a part of the Mario universe, but if that were so why aren't there any coffee shops and New Donkers (read: tourists) smoking weed and hurling at every street corner?
real life amsterdam doesn't have windmills though
Are you sure you aren't confusing Amsterdam with the Santa Monica pier from the LA Tour