Mario versus FanFiction (lotsa images warning)


Back in Blipside.


Uhm, yeah, actually... How about no?

Instead of doing this awful and lame thing, let's head back into chapter 1 and check if we missed anything! Yaaay!


No Tippi, we're doing what I said! Merlon can eat my...yyyy...iiiii'm not going to finish that sentence.


Geez! Capture their SOUL? That's a bit morbid. Like, this item exists to rip away the immortal aspect of one's self, forever deny them the chance to move on to the afterlife, and ban them into a trading card where they will be alone and unable to communicate for all eternity.

Like, they could have just said "This item creates an imprint of whoever you throw it at" or something, but no. They went with "It rips the soul out of people" instead.

I'm still supposed to be the hero, right?


Speaking of horrible soul containers, there's one wayyy up there. Can't reach it, though. Tippi, do you think you could fly up there and get it for me?

"I could, but I'm not going to."

What? Why not???

"Because, Mario, I really don't think you're appreciating me enough, so I'm not just going to do everything you want me to do."



Well, since this item exists and I have it, it was probably predetermined that I would find it, and it's most likely also part of the prophecy that I eventually use it. So I might as well eat that Koopa Troopa's soul over there.

Isn't it great how predestination absolves you of any responsibility for your actions? On the other hand it also devalues all the good things you're doing, since you were supposed to do them anyway, so nobody really thanks YOU for it. What a fun concept.


Mario casts SOUL TRAP!


Uh oh! Looks like my conjuration/mysticism skill isn't high enough. Guess I'll have to train to become a better sorcerer before I can go and enslave the souls of my hapless fellow mortals.


But before I do that, I found this burly leaf. Remember kids: Eating spinach is good for your muscles.

...Wait, I thought we ditched that Popeye thing.

That's good, because spinach is kinda gross.


Eughh... Speaking of gross...



All this talk of gross vegetables made me crave some bacon, so I'm attacking this pig.


W-what the...???


Wh-what was that???

Wh-who... Who's there???


I suddenly remembered I was going to practice sorcery, so to distract myself from the pants-crappingly terrifying... WHATEVER just happened, I decided to ice these fools here.


This area strikes me as a good grinding spot for early levels. Just bring a bunch of attack items and unleash them on these guys.


Yeah, just doing this once made me reach the next level.


Since I am in the middle of practicing black magic, I might as well summon an undead attack minion.


Well, it's staying behind me. That means it's smarter than the other zombie mushroom I encountered, because it knows it's not a good idea to stand in front of Super Mario when you're a mushroom.


Also, when it senses an enemy, it lunges forward and... Oh my... Oh holy... that's just really... Wow, good thing slinkies don't have blood, or this would have been pretty gruesome...

Uhm... Yeah, never doing that again.


I got a complaint earlier for not tattling all the enemies I came across. Well, I'm only really commenting on the things I find interesting or funny, but oh well, here you go I guess.

Also, how am I getting feedback on my performance anyway? Is... is someone watching this? Hello? Am I in some sort of perverted Truman show?


Yeah, I never got why they don't come up when you're touching the pipe. Like, maybe they feel you transmitting your body heat into the pipe and they like that? Who knows.


Well, if you want warmth, I got some for you. Fire Burst, bitch!


Next up we have this guy. Looks like he can fly. Good for him.


Why would I want to remove his wings? The guy's not really doing anything to me. Why not just let him have fun?


The way you seem to enjoy saying these things is slightly unsettling, Tippi.


Ah, yes. The Tromp is set in its path and does not care who it rolls over to get to where it wants to be.

By the way, this slope ends in a bottomless pit. So really, this area is just a giant metaphor. If you just walk all over everyone in your life like a douchebag and have no consideration for anything but yourself, eventually, you're going to take the fall for it, and no one will be left to give a shit.


You know that because you saw me do it. That's cheating, Tippi.


Oh. Luigi... I wonder how he's doing?


Yeah, it is kind of worrying. Thanks for caring thou--


HA HA HA! That's so funny! You prick!

You know what? Maybe that kid was right. Maybe I WILL come back here once my journey is over. To burn this entire place to the ground, and salt the earth where it stood!


Also, I am now powerful enough to hurt Clefts. I wonder what that explosion nonsense was about then. Don't really need it.


You know, with all these filled soul cards lying here and there, I wonder if there's some sort of crazed warlock running around ripping souls out of people's bodys. Maybe I should be fighting that guy instead of some asshole in a cape.


These things are still the devil, by the way.


"Hello Mario, this is god. Thank you for eradicating that hellspawn. Here, have a level up!"

Thanks, ma'am.


Yeah, I could have guessed that, really.



"Makes you feel so much better by comparison, doesn't it?"

...goddamnit, Tippi.
Dr. Alphys said:

W-what the...???


Wh-what was that???

Wh-who... Who's there???
That's just like in DDR Mario Mix, where some unknown voice says encouraging things when you're doing well, but for some reason, one of the things he says is "everyone's watching you!"
hey, spinach is great when you stir-fry it :mad:

also, that catch card reminds me of how they trap characters in cards in yu-gi-oh
For a sec there I thought you were going to use that spear to stab their dead bodies
Dr. Alphys said:

nice super mario-kun reference there

fun fact: fracktail doesn't even die in the super mario-kun, he just gives the pure heart to mario when he's defeated.

So we enter Merlon's place at last. On that table is sitting none other than the supreme fanfic itself: the Light Prognosticus.


No, I just came back here because I like you so much.


It shines as brilliantly as a stream of early morning piss.


Well, more like we took it from her while she was rambling about dumb shit.


Yeah, I can tell. I assume you got your 'stache from her.


You know, I kind of liked Paper Mario more when these guys were just some douchebags who read your fortune and upgraded your stats. The whole "ancient civilization with incredible technology" thing is kind of over-played.


Oh, so she's one of the game developers then?



He can't get ahold of himself. He doesn't even have arms. Also, half of his torso is missing. If I was this guy, I'd probably be panicking too.









What riveting dialogue.

And before you ask: Yes, he really does repeat that particular text box a couple times. This game likes to waste your time, and you will soon witness the full extent of its dedication to that purpose.


Ouch. Again though, no fall damage in this game, so this girl is lucky. If this was one of my platformers on the other hand...

Well, let's not dwell on it.



"Master Merlon, this is hardly the appropriate situation for--"




And with that, tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dweeb are off, leaving me behind.

I would mess with the stuff in Merlon's house now, but it's all stapled to the ground.


Wait a minute, I know that ass!

I mean, I would probably know the face too, but from this angle, ass is all I can see.


Oh hell, man. Play a goddamn video game and get a clue. Random old people on the street could probably tell you who that is.

And even then, she's mentioned in the Light Prognosticus, so you not knowing who she is makes no sense. Unless you haven't actually read the whole thing, which... I guess I wouldn't blame you for.


Yes, although usually she gets kidnapped by people with more class.


It's ok. She usually just plays a bunch of silly minigames whenever she gets kidnapped.


Oh shit, Merlock Holmes is on the case.


Hey, I would be shivering too if you were hunched over me and examining me while I was unconscious. Breathing up someone's skirt is NOT part of first aid, man.

So I don't know, but instead of standing around and making all these pointless deductions, maybe we should call an ambulance? Or a doctor? I mean, Peach just face-planted the pavement at terminal velocity. She probably needs medical attention.


...or we could go to a restaurant and order her some take-out. That works too. I mean, it really doesn't, but at this point I give up.


This take-out better be delicious enough to heal a crushed skull.
I like how they refer to Peach as a "girl" when she's clearly a fully-grown woman.

I also like how all the other townspeople don't even care (they just continue minding their own business), nor did that NPC alert anyone else about this situation. What if that guy wasn't there to see it? Would they just leave her to die? I guess that's just an example of the bystander effect.
wow this is a masterpiece

i mean edo's playthrough and commentary, not the actual game however

Welp, now that this elevator (and everything else) is fixed, might as well try to find this chef.


Fifty coins say his buddy looks exactly the same as him.


Seriously, these people all look the same.


Ughhhhh... Why am I even talking to anyone?


"Enslaving the souls of the dead and capturing them in trading cards is THE SHIT, mister!"


No, apparently the kids are more into satanic rituals right now.


O...kay? Man, these people are disturbed.


I agree wholeheartedly. You should stay current. I wouldn't be caught dead talking about some old garbage from like, say, 2007.

Speaking of relics from the past...


If you want food, the guy behind you can probably hook you up with inane trivia about mushrooms.

Actually, he kind of looks like a younger version of yourself. Maybe this old guy is the buddy that guy was talking about. Or maybe they're the same person and the old one is a time traveler. He came to us, bringing us great wisdom from the future. Wisdom like: "Eat mushrooms to restore your HP".


I need to stop talking to these people. They are so boring, I'm starting to make up nonsensical stories about them as a coping mechanism.


Eyesight? Ma'am, I just had a look at the guy, and he doesn't even have eyes. There was never any eyesight to begin with.

Also, you look like you're wearing a dishcloth on your head. Stop that.


Why am I talking to you when I just said I wouldn't do that anymore? I need to stick to my principles.


Heeeughh... Didn't want to know that!


Oh, a restaurant. What a great place to be nauseous.
What's with that out of nowhere French stereotype?
I don't know. I guess France is some sort of universal constant that exists in every dimension.
And it's consistently an arrogant coward in every dimension.
Crocodile Dippy said:
And it's consistently an arrogant coward in every dimension.

Artist with a beret may I add.
Chef Torte, Vincent Van Gore, Dupree, that npc from spm

Huh, maybe the Mushroom Kingdom really is on Earth.