Random Video Game Question of Day

When I first realized that I would be forced to master button mashing in BiS
Random Question of the Day:
What moment did you go "HOLY CRAP!"?

any time baby luigi gets shown in a video game not called "yoshi's island"
I remember playing a Dynasty Warriors game with one of my friends who loved the series, years back (at least 6 or more) and first fighting Lu Bu. Totally destroyed me, probably should've listened to my friend's warning but I did it anyway because I was curious.
fire emblem: if
maybe bravery default?
a zelda game of some sort ((to try out the series))
the xenoblade port??

Out of announced games actually FF Type-0 HD although that technically requires me to buy a PS4

out of not announced games easily paper mario 5
Fantasy Life

maybe Bravely Default

that's it right now, assuming we mean games that are out
Toy Bonnie said:
Random Question of the Day:
What Video Gamevare you DYING to get?

I'm NOT dying for anything though I guess Hyrule Warriors is the closest one