What's the weather like outside right now?

Night isn't a weather.

Southern California has finally some rainstorms to break up the parched landscape. :)
Went above freezing for the first time since October so all the snow walls are melting.

Supposed to have a high of 10 F tomorrow so all that will just turn to ice.
Still cold.
Drift said:
Went above freezing for the first time since October so all the snow walls are melting.

Supposed to have a high of 10 F tomorrow so all that will just turn to ice.
things do not simply melt at 10oF
Probably going to be 96 degrees plus today.

TheYoshiState said:
Can't believe a thread like this can die...

Anyways, right now, there are thunderstorms right out my window. Surprisingly (for me, at least), though, earlier today, we actually had hail coming down here!
You need thunderclouds to produce hail, so if you aren't weather savvy, yeah, it might surprise ya.
All of the rain with drivers who apparently don't care enough to slow down when huge puddles are approached.
88 degrees, with the high being 100. That's 38 degrees for the Metric (wo)Men.

I hope nobody who has the live through the flooding in the south-eastern part of the U.S. suffered too much.