Hooded Pitohui

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  • While the rest of the game has its flaws as well as its steps forward, The Origami King shines when it comes to its soundtrack. I will be shocked, in all honesty, if it doesn't do well in M1. Best Sound Design this year.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace

    this absolutely bangs
    I think I left Shogun right after defeating the boss there and didn't appreciate the music enough. Plus another plot element that gives immediately leaving a sour taste.
    Awards polls open in a month! That's not important to you in the present moment, but I think everyone should get excited about Awards (and also it's a great time to start letting Awards Presentation ideas percolate in your head.)
    Well, I might as well say here that what I'm going to do during the awards (at least so far as far as I know) is host Pokemon Life (if anyone can finish reading the rules on time), participating in a few games (TKG is not going to be one of them), and vote in the polls.
    Hey, do you like making art? Do you want to feature your art in a low-stress, non-competitive exhibition, alongside art by other community members? If so, check this thread out. The 'Shroom will have a community gallery in issue 171, and we want your art! Anything related to Mario, the Mario Wiki, or the Mario Wiki community will work, so let your creativity shine!
    I have something I want to do too, but I don't have enough Kirby songs in the thread yet! Luckly, I have two months, but I was hoping to get more songs than the ones I have. Oh, what to do...
    Hey, profile pic buddies!
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    Ok, I was just joking and did plan on changing it back soon

    But I'll have to wait till i get home
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious

    I didn't know that you could do that
    change my pfp
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Thanks for the change!
    Ah, I didn't change your pfp. That was the mods. I believe they saw you say you had to wait until you made it to a computer, so they took away the bird pfp to prevent confusion until you did.
    Yo Pitohui! I came up with some possible shroomfests. Here they are:
    Sweet VS Sour
    Golf VS Tennis
    Boomerang bro VS Fire bro
    PB&J VS French toast
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Thank you! I particularly like the golf versus tennis suggestion. I think that one has strong potential.

    We'll take these all into consideration. Though, as a heads-up, we usually try to stay away from Mario-specific topics, like Boomerang Bro. vs Fire Bro.
    I would love and hate if there was a Sweet VS Sour `shroomfest, I would love it because those are my two favorite flavors, but I would hate it because I wouldn't know which side to root for!
    Toasty Toad
    Toasty Toad
    i like salty i don´t know why
    I'm pleased to say I've finished getting my first dose today! Please, everyone, keep abreast of vaccination efforts in your state or country, and get on registries and get signed up as soon as you can. Protect yourselves and everyone around you by getting your vaccinations and continuing to wear your masks and follow recommended practices from health authorities. Stay well, everyone!
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    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Nope. Birds are just cool and interesting.
    The living world in general is.
    Sometimes there's no deeper meaning than "this is fascinating."
    Oh. Then yes, I have.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Those are the cuckoo birds if I recall correctly. Nature can be so metal and cruel and I like reading about the myriad of ways it can do so.
    Proud to announce, as Poll Committee Chairperson, Community Awards Director (under the big Awards Director, Anton), and 'Shroom Director, that starting today I will merging all three community institutions into one massive project entitled 'Poollwards Comstaffittee. This new team begin work to reformat the old 'Shroom archives using the poll archive template system, and we will allow you to vote in Awards-style polls to dictate the process.

    Furthermore, we will not stop there. Our merger complete, we will have the power to initiate immediate mergers with the Forum Mods, followed by the Wiki Staff, followed by the Chat Ops. All who resist will be assimilated by force. We will come for you next. All will be made one, and one will be the whole, and the whole will be named the Super Mario Boards.

    Except for GBAToad, because, ewww, who wants the Mafia Hosts Guild in the assimilated Mario Boards?

    We will begin our assimilation shortly, beggining first, of course, by subjugating the date on today's calendar.
    Hey, I made an unofficial quiz about this month's issue of The Shroom! Try taking it here. Notice that you have to put your answers in all lowercase. If you get a question wrong, it'll give you a hint where to find it after you submit it! There's probably a bunch of bugs and problems because I made it on a whim, but why not test your knowledge of the issue?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Great, then that technically increases my score to- you know what, I'm not going to post it here because uh, I don't want the people who got a lower score than mine to feel bad, haha yeah that's it
    Hey Pitohui, just a thought, but maybe each month, each writer could send you (or a designated organizer) a question regarding their section and this could be an actual thing. That would be fun.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    I made this project on a whim when a random thought struck me this morning, but I'm going to plan it out a bit more and eventually present a formal idea. We'll see what comes of it. I think the structure you're suggesting could be fun!
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    The new NIWA member, the Xeno Series Wiki, represents all of its affiliated sites with Japanese characters.


    Fittingly, the Mario Wiki uses the character for "kinoko", meaning "mushroom".
    There's this concept of the "arrow of time," right? It boils down to this notion that, according to physical equations - to greatly, greatly oversimplify the topic - there's really no reason to expect that there should be a difference if time runs forward or if time runs backwards. Yet in our everyday reality, there clearly is an arrow of time. It clearly moves in a linear direction, always forward, never backwards. Why should this be? Excellent question.

    The point is, arrows are complicated, especially super ones. Arrows? Complicated. Require math to understand. Lead to strange effects. Requires a great deal of money and electricity to investigate the concept of and nature of CPT violation.

    ...for better or worse, I swore my fealty to Ninja Squid.

    You know what isn't complicated? Draq. Draq is a simple alien. He does a simple job, and has simple hopes and dreams. Draq is the man you need right now. He sees things as they are. He's not hard to understand.
    A little over a day and a little under a day! That's what remains for two major events associated with The 'Shroom.

    A little over a day is what you have left if you're interested in posting a campaign in The 'Shroom Director Election. Find the details here. If you have questions about the process, or want to ask the current candidates questions, do so here.

    And a little under a day is how long you have left to come and put your writing skill to use by setting the scene for us in The 'Shroomfest! Come out and support the sunlight by describing your favorite moments under the sun!
    Do you play Minecraft? Have you ever thought about how starkly different that blocky world is under the sunlight versus when it's under the moonlight? If so, consider taking a look here, and make sure to come and support team sunlight in the Shroomfest!
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