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  • holly moly they actually did it. They made a Mario specific non super Lego Mario Lego set
    So I have been inactive in most tourney fronts recently. that's mainly because I have become really busy. in any case, I will try to do whatever I can in the rest of the tourneys I'm in.
    It is completely okay being busy; that's no harm at all. The important part, though, is that you communicate that with the people you've coordinated events with. Leaving people suspended without a single heads up is the demoralizing part, not that you can't make times. Make sure you're letting people know your schedule and when conflicts come up in the future, that's the part to remember
    Good point. Speaking of which there's something else important, but I'll talk about that when I have the time.
    So you know how people make metroidvania style SMM2 levels? Well I have recently gotten into that style of game and though: wouldn't it be a fun community project if I made a SMM2 metroidvania level while taking tips and suggestions from the Mario Boards? It's a win-win! I get to revisit a game I haven't played in a while and get better at making levels, and you get to have your ideas put into a level which you can play later! So, is this a good idea?
    First I would say try to create a vast room including downward angled slopes in them, with a bunch of intriguing asthetics and enemies. Then, once you get to a certain part, make the on/off switch different, make the player grab power up and then being able to go to the next place with that same powerup. although when going back, a bunch of enemies spawn because of some red on/off blocks previously spawn blocking them, and now deactivated. you'll kinda follow on with the same idea until at some point going in some key door in which a boss fight would be included in. This would at least be my idea, you could make some add-ons to it if you want.
    I'll make a thread for sudjestions.
    Does nobody notice todays Friday the 13th?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    All I see on my calendar is AWAAAARDS
    Dracula Robin
    Dracula Robin
    I didn't notice until just now lol. Being on holiday makes me forget which day of the week it is because it's like it's the weekend every day
    Yoshi! Yoshi!
    Yoshi! Yoshi!
    If it was October Friday 13th, it would be the day the Knights Templar were arrested en masse, put on trial, and defrauded by Philip IV "The unFair".
    I'm working till the last second to finish my award! Also, I gotta remember to have lunch...
    Todays the day!... but my prezi still isn't finished. Don't worry, I just have to put in a few images, but still, I've got to persevere!
    I might as well say this now, but I got my Lego Luigi one week ago, aka on august first, aka on it's release. when I got there the employese were still putting the display up! I also got a limited editon coin with it. havn't oppened it yet.
    I can't seem to get Lego Mario to connect to my phone, can anyone help me?
    Toasty Toad
    Toasty Toad
    I can't find the legos anywhere except online but no cards at all so yeah
    So I have a pixel artist for my prezi but I'm not sure if they'll be able to get all the sprite art done by the due date, so I'll happily allow anyone who wants too to be my second pixel artist!
    Hmmm... I'm in a bit of a predicament. I want to do the thing where you can switch between images but I have to link images to it and I don't want to make an Imigr account or anything like that... what do I do? Do I get someone to upload the images to their Imigr account and then link it from there, or what do I do?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    You don't need an account to upload to Imgur.
    ...huh? Well, I still have a bad feeling about using Imigr...
    Use ImgBB.
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    Things are going good with my presentation, by only worry is that I wont get all the neccesary sprites in time. I also need to figure out how to link my images to the switch thing without using Imigr.
    Toasty Toad
    Toasty Toad
    How many will you need
    A lot, mostly Kirby ones. Will tell you the specifics once I'm done with the text-based part of the prezi.
    Toasty Toad
    Did I just see you in a Nick Robinson stream?
    .. guys sorry to burst your bubble but are you aware that nick robinson was punted out of polygon for being an abusive creep to women and possibly other offenses i forgot, he never apologized for being an abusive creep and then got back into youtube to make content like nothing happened
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    He didn't do anything wrong.
    (correction: i think he was just a creep but this is still inexcusable)
    I still need to figure out the whole switch between pictures thing, but besides that things are going well! Also how can I test my presentation to make sure everything works without giving the placments away?
    Toasty Toad
    Toasty Toad
    I know someone who can help you
    Homer Simpson
    I can safley say scripting has begun! Like literally it just started right now.
    The general idea for my presentation is now complete! Now before I continue, I have a question: how do I make it so when I click on a picture it switches to a different picture?
    • Thinking
    Reactions: Zorak
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    I don't know myself, to tell you the truth, but you might want to ask Fawfulthegreat64 or GBAToad. I think they've both done something like that, so they might be able to tell you.
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