Kerrigan Aug 22, 2019 So I was recording something a couple weeks ago and for some reason it bothered me that my capture card wasn't recording at exactly 30 FPS, only 29.971. I wouldn't call myself a framerate snob most of the time but I just needed that extra .029 FPS.
So I was recording something a couple weeks ago and for some reason it bothered me that my capture card wasn't recording at exactly 30 FPS, only 29.971. I wouldn't call myself a framerate snob most of the time but I just needed that extra .029 FPS.
Kerrigan Aug 20, 2019 I'll always be proud of my reputation for having about a million different usernames in my time in the community.
I'll always be proud of my reputation for having about a million different usernames in my time in the community.
Kerrigan Aug 12, 2019 At some point recently, I dreamed I went looking for my boyfriend's profile on here so I could follow him. He doesn't have a profile on here. Should I tell him to make one?
At some point recently, I dreamed I went looking for my boyfriend's profile on here so I could follow him. He doesn't have a profile on here. Should I tell him to make one?
Kerrigan Aug 11, 2019 So is this feature basically like Twitter but for here? I'm always down for more places to put my stupid tweets when they don't fit on Twitter.
So is this feature basically like Twitter but for here? I'm always down for more places to put my stupid tweets when they don't fit on Twitter.
Kerrigan Aug 9, 2019 It seems like you can't help but suck at a game you're normally good at when you start recording it.
Kerrigan Aug 2, 2019 The table is all broken and smashed but these with Fibro-Val are sparkling clean and white.