Captain Galaxy

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  • For no reason whatsoever I remembered as a child with too much internet access stumbling upon a Flash game where you shot at Pokémon with a gun, and they turned into little red splats. I think I remember you eventually having a shootout with Ash because he was mad that you killed his Pikachu. After I played it I had nightmares due to the horrible sins I had committed in the game, I was around 6-8 years old at the time and just figured out how to use the internet.
    I've recently played two versions kinda like that, where you go through a maze either collecting coins and shooting a 50-Goomba horde or collecting diamonds and shooting 1-4 creepers. There wasn't any boss fights, though. Sorry for your nightmares.
    Captain Galaxy
    Captain Galaxy
    I'm okay, that was more than a decade ago, anyways. Edgy shock value content was pretty popular on the internet at the time, and I find the whole situation to be pretty funny looking back on things. It definitely wasn't the best for a child's mental health to be exposed to that stuff at a young age, but then again, there are a lot of kids who have to experience actual war and catastrophe, so I've been pretty lucky all things considered.
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    @Oatchi from Pikmin I feel really bad for children who live in war-ravaged countries who do have to live daily with that must be really rough and scary. Would hate to have to grow up that way. 😢
    In a few years, when I get close to turning 30, I imagine that I will be banned from the Super Mario Boards for being too old. I should really get a life at that point.
    Captain Galaxy
    Captain Galaxy
    I only made this comment as a joke, but there's a lot of thoughtful discussion going on under here. I didn't mean to make anyone feel like they're too old for this forum, or to imply that I seriously think that users of the Boards over a certain age have "no life", and I realize why my post could have unfortunately read that way. To anyone who's worried about not progressing fast enough in life for your age, I can sympathize. I'm in my mid-20s, but have only just had a chance to get started on many adult milestones that most others have reached sooner than me due to a long list of life circumstances. Fortunately, things have gotten a lot better for me in recent times through a combination of working on myself and some amount of luck.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Honestly with today's economy and inflation, I don't blame anyone else for having slow starts. No one should be expected to own their first house in their 20's or raise a family, the prices of things are spiraling out of control. Living with parents shouldn't even be looked down to begin with, it's a terrific way to build savings.
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    @Ray Trace I'm currently living with my parents until I finish college, then I'm moving into an apartment in town and my job and then later my own house. 😎

    @Potato Hey, don't feel bad. You were just joking. I took it too seriously, which is in part due to me having Asperger's Syndrome; because of that, when people joke, sometimes I can take it too literally. It's my fault, not yours. Like, I know I have a condition, but still, I'm responsible for misinterpretations I make because of it. Lighten up on yourself. People should be able to be themselves and joke around and not take themselves or other people too seriously. 🙂

    Anyway, I really like your sense of humor, so I'm following you now. 👍
    Happy New Years, European Mario Boardsters.

    Edit: I should have said Happy New Years Mario Boardsters in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania who celebrate New Years according to the Gregorian Calendar to be more accurate.
    😵 I just realized 2 things:
    1: Your reaction score is exactly 1/2 of mine
    2: You don't have any messages on your profile so I made one for you
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    Reactions: Captain Galaxy
    Captain Galaxy
    Captain Galaxy
    I've just never really thought of anything to put on my profile wall. It seems that some people use it as a miniature blog to give random updates on life and stuff, but I don't really feel like doing that myself.
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