Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but now procrastination is less enjoyable.

I wish for a infinitely regenerating slice of pizza that never gets cold or goes bad.
Granted, you die for eating too many pizza.

I wish a Nintendo Switch (again).
Granted, you receive a light switch from Nintendo's headquarters.

I wish I wasn't bored right now.
Granted, she appears as a transgender.

I wish it was Christmas already.
Granted, but you can only sleep in the most uncomfortable positions leading to your neck hurting when you wake up.

I wish my cats didn't wake me at 3am.
Granted. Them waking you up means they want food. Their voices become silent, and they starve to death from you forgetting to feed them.

I wish Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam wasn't so generic. (Note: I haven't played this game, but it looks bland to me)
(Actually I make sure both their food bowls are full before going to bed, it's just one is in heat.)

Granted, but it effectively retcons some previous Mario RPGs in the process.

I wish the new Pokemon movie would air on TV.
Granted. It airs only once without warning, on an obscure network that nobody uses.

I wish Sonic Forces had more character customization options, and a color changer for the clothes.
Granted, the level of customization is so deep that you spend the rest of eternity trying to create the perfect custom character.

I wish Cheetos would bring back the flamin' hot asteroids.
Granted. She officiates your wedding, thus "marrying" you to someone else.

I wish I could afford that 20-inch Yoshi plushy I saw the other day.
Granted. Another person who wanted it breaks in and steals it.

I wish for more wishes.
Granted. The money is fake.

I wish for nothing.
granted except i granted it and your brain melts from the paradox (so does mine)
...i wish for my brain back