the official "u did it" thread

Send a complaint mail to college.
Baby Luigi said:
washed my little black 2005 Honda Civic coupe LX

shiny clean! <3
Then I proceeded to strike a curb with it. :)
I finally had my first day in my Computer Technology course in High School. It was fun.
Does anyone have anything that would possibly motivate me to clean my room? I've put it off for about a month or something and now I have to clean it before Saturday.
Meta Knight said:
Clean your room or your parents will ground you and/or take away your stuff

Lord Bowser said:
clean your room or no more pms

Eh. Long as I don't lose g -

NEXandGBX & Knuckles said:
clean your room or you're going to lose your game show watching privileges

Aaaaaa I'll go do it after Match Game.
I'm done with a model for once.


Don't kill me. I actually like this version of Yoshi, so I decided to model it myself.
you're not done, sicko, you still need to do the uvs, draw textures, and eventually rig it....and then port it to gmod
D.Va said:
So co-worker and I have been getting close. We'd been hanging out together for the last few weeks but had our first official date last Friday. Went really well. :) Definitely keen for more, haha. ;)

Update: We bf/gf now B)
Ninelevendo said:
Striker Mario said:
I'm done with a model for once.

Don't kill me. I actually like this version of Yoshi, so I decided to model it myself.
Is that the older SMW Yoshi?
Yup! I want to make this one usable though. Maybe even let other people use it if it's good enough.
Bob Eubanks said:
Does anyone have anything that would possibly motivate me to clean my room? I've put it off for about a month or something and now I have to clean it before Saturday.

lol I need to clean mine too.
Weeks of eating in my room has left me with dishes on the desk, and clothes and textbooks all over the place.

When you can't spread out on your bedroom floor you have a problem. I'm going to clean it.
Also I managed to survive Monday and I'm done with the class's paperwork/homework for today. Yay.
So my email and steam account got compromised over the weekend by some dick in Serbia and I didn't notice until about 2 hours ago. Thankfully, I was able to recover the email because I remembered the answers to the questions I set up like 8 years ago. I sent a ticket to steam about the hijacking of my account, expecting it to take a week because I heard how shitty their support service was, but they responded in literally 15 minutes and was able to recover that as well. If I was doing anything fucky on Steam for the last few days, there's your answer. Now all my emails and steam account have as much verification as humanly possible because I kept on skipping those. Lesson learned, I guess. Oddly enough, all my other accounts tied to the email seemed fine (knock on wood) but I changed the passwords anyways.

I just wanted to play some GTA:Vice City, but I had to spend 2 hours having a heart attack....
So I'm in keyboarding class and typing the word ash. I screwed up the typing so I pressed enter like the teacher said to, and I was left with the word ass on my screen. Fortunately, there wasn't anyone else there, so I backspace'd and put in a J.

Then Stupid Hoe got stuck in my head since that happens whenever I do something stupid.