Most Notable Mario Fanart? [Sourcing your images are encouraged]


I imagine this is something LGM would do with mods if it was possible.
Not only she would do that, she'd give them all unique voices, add even more Mario's than the usual number of palette swaps, and give them idiotic names like "Mr. Foof".
Pink_Gold_Peach said:
That brings me memories of Bowser's trophy celebration cutscene from MPT.
I know right.
Pink_Gold_Peach said:
That brings me memories of Bowser's trophy celebration cutscene from MPT.
According to the artist, that was the inspiration.

For context as to why it says "after" on the top left, this was a very similar drawing the artist did 2 years after he made this one:


See? Things get better with practice.
the entire job of creating art is all about practice.
Air Conditioner said:
That's not a drawing, it's a 3D scene :P

I don't 100% know how particle effects such as fire are made but the fire you see is a good chance to be a post-processing 2D effect edited from the 3D render.

So uh, technically, there are some drawing in there.
So you know how in the Galaxy games Boos become infatuated with Boo Mario? Well...


"Oh, Hell No" is a very fitting title.
I blame her re-design.