Reasons why I find collecting all the Mario Parties like collecting Mega Man

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Pwwnd123 said:
Is my rant about Mega Man, Mario Party, Call of Duty and EA Sports titles good? I went over a lot of good points about both franchises like reused gameplay. Guys lets get back to my point.

No, it's awful, because you're complaining about established elements that DON'T. NEED. CHANGE. Like Mario Kart, all Mario Party needs is some improvements to its gameplay. You can't use "IT DOESN'T INNOVATE" for a game genre that solely relies on newer elements and some improvements while keeping the foundations intact to succeed. It's one of the reasons Mario Party 9 onwards are considered a flop in gameplay elements.

Another flaw with your argument is that you're comparing TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT GENRES TO EACH OTHER.

I don't know about Call of Duty and EA Sports but I know for a fact that Call of Duty is a vastly overhated game series.
Baby Man said:
Pwwnd123 said:
Is my rant about Mega Man, Mario Party, Call of Duty and EA Sports titles good? I went over a lot of good points about both franchises like reused gameplay. Guys lets get back to my point.

No, it's awful, because you're complaining about established elements that DON'T. NEED. CHANGE. Like Mario Kart, all Mario Party needs is some improvements to its gameplay. You can't use "IT DOESN'T INNOVATE" for a game genre that solely relies on newer elements and some improvements while keeping the foundations intact to succeed. It's one of the reasons Mario Party 9 onwards are considered a flop in gameplay elements.

Another flaw with your argument is that you're comparing TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT GENRES TO EACH OTHER.

I don't know about Call of Duty and EA Sports but I know for a fact that Call of Duty is a vastly overhated game series.

I do realize that but that is part of my exaggerations. I mean I know that Mega Man is part of the Run and Gun genre of platformers. Call of Duty is a FPS and Mario Party is a series of board games and EA Sports games are sports games and that's that. I was just comparing how both Mario Party and Mega Man were rapid fire. I mean the Mega Man series has been rapid fire on the NES with 6 goddamn games. There were 2 classic series Mega Man games on the SNES and that's Mega Man 7 and Rockman and Forte (Japanese exclusive). PlayStation 1 and Sega Saturn recieved Mega Man 8 (I don't count Rockman Complete Works and Super Adventure Rockman). That's part of the exaggeration. I mean would it get annoying and repetitive if you had to play the same game over and over again just rebarfed back at you 5 times (I mean the Mega Man games). It would get repetitive when the fifth and sixth games don't offer much than the other 4 games on the NES.
Just because you exaggerate your points doesn't mean your argument ISN'T flawed. The point of an exaggeration is to make a valid point to make it understandable for others. Your exaggeration does neither because it's fallacious in itself.
Baby Man said:
Just because you exaggerate your points doesn't mean your argument ISN'T flawed. The point of an exaggeration is to make a valid point to make it understandable for others. Your exaggeration does neither because it's fallacious in itself.

So you mean me comparing Mega Man to Mario Party was a total bad attempt. Mega Man is the only other example besides Call of Duty and the EA Sports games that pops up in my head. I seem to notice a trend between both Mario Party and Mega Man in that they were both rapid fire franchises. Did you even understand half of what my original intention was. Hell my video on rapid game releases explains it further.
Mario Party 9 was not a cash grab because Nd Cube dared to try something different after ten games. The car system was a good idea but needs some fixing (lengh of boards, more mini games, luck factor less important).
Oh please quit with the god damn counting. Back to my point.

So you mean me comparing Mega Man to Mario Party was a total bad attempt. Mega Man is the only other example besides Call of Duty and the EA Sports games that pops up in my head. I seem to notice a trend between both Mario Party and Mega Man in that they were both rapid fire franchises. Did you even understand half of what my original intention was. Hell my video on rapid game releases explains it further.
Pwwnd123 said:
I seem to notice a trend between both Mario Party and Mega Man in that they were both rapid fire franchises.

And that's where the similarity to each other ends.

You know, I'm *this* close to putting you on my ignore list because I'm starting to feel pointing out your fallacies and flaws doesn't seem to sway you in the slightest and it's futile to argue with you.
Baby Man said:
Pwwnd123 said:
I seem to notice a trend between both Mario Party and Mega Man in that they were both rapid fire franchises.

And that's where the similarity to each other ends.

You know, I'm *this* close to putting you on my ignore list because I'm starting to feel pointing out your fallacies and flaws doesn't seem to sway you in the slightest and it's futile to argue with you.

Okay sorry but I will try my best to stop. I am real sorry for them but it's just that I can't think of anything decent. I am autistic with LFA FYI so that's the only fault within me on how I make this comparisons. I mean I am not sure if LeftyGreenMario will get my drift. I hope he does get my points right. Now I know how it feels to lose.
I don't see the point in talking about the repetition of Megaman when we haven't had a new one in years.
Rocket '3Koon said:
i heard someone talking shit on mega man

*insert nerd rage here*
Expanding on this.

I honestly don't get why you call the NES Mega Mans samey cash-grabs. Each game requires eight new Robot Masters and eight new weapons, and that's not even counting supports like Rush, Balloon, Wire or Super Arrow. Each of the levels has to have a unique identity and usually a gimmick that makes the level special - Star Man has low gravity, Wind Man has the propellers, etc. If it doesn't have an actual gimmick there's usually a theme in enemies or level design. Shadow Man for example doesn't have a gimmick but has these bulb enemies that make all tiles - but not enemies - invisible. You can use special weapons to kill these lightbulbs so you don't have to deal with them.

Gameplay-wise each Mega Man adds something new. The second adds the password and E-Tanks. The third adds sliding. The fourth adds the charge shot. The fifth modifies the charge shot to be bigger and having to recharge if you get hit. The sixth adds the Rush suits (Power and Jet). Special weapons also have to be different each game. In my opinion, special weapons make or break a Mega Man game. We have Mega Man 9, with god-tier special weapons that make the game more fun, varied and manageable. Mega Man 3 has its balanced weapons. Hard Knuckle is slow but is incredibly powerful. Magnet Missile tracks enemies but has a relatively high energy cost. Shadow Blade can be aimed in seven directions but has a low range (at least compared to Metal Blade). Mega Man 4 has unique, fun weapons that enrich the gameplay experience. There's the Flash Stopper, which allows you to stop time in short bursts. Pharaoh Shot, an awesome, six-direction, chargeable fireball; Rain Flush, a screen-clearer; Ring Boomerang, a energy-efficient boomerang that cuts through shields.

Your point about "the only other franchises I can think of that are repetitious like this are COD and sports games". Mega Man is far more original in its games than those two franchises. Compare the second one to the seventh one. How many things changed between those two? A lot. Sliding, charging, Rush, bolts, the shop, upgrades, alternate paths, more interesting weapons, cleaner, better art style, more detailed and complicated bosses, W and S tanks, unlockable weapons.

This can practically be equated to Mario Party. Each game demands a full set of new minigames, stuff like capsules/candy/whatever, new boards, a new story mode, extra modes. Neither of these series are repetitive when you actually look into them instead of casually glazing over them and assuming.
Pyro said:
Rocket '3Koon said:
i heard someone talking shit on mega man

*insert nerd rage here*
Expanding on this.

I honestly don't get why you call the NES Mega Mans samey cash-grabs. Each game requires eight new Robot Masters and eight new weapons, and that's not even counting supports like Rush, Balloon, Wire or Super Arrow. Each of the levels has to have a unique identity and usually a gimmick that makes the level special - Star Man has low gravity, Wind Man has the propellers, etc. If it doesn't have an actual gimmick there's usually a theme in enemies or level design. Shadow Man for example doesn't have a gimmick but has these bulb enemies that make all tiles - but not enemies - invisible. You can use special weapons to kill these lightbulbs so you don't have to deal with them.

Gameplay-wise each Mega Man adds something new. The second adds the password and E-Tanks. The third adds sliding. The fourth adds the charge shot. The fifth modifies the charge shot to be bigger and having to recharge if you get hit. The sixth adds the Rush suits (Power and Jet). Special weapons also have to be different each game. In my opinion, special weapons make or break a Mega Man game. We have Mega Man 9, with god-tier special weapons that make the game more fun, varied and manageable. Mega Man 3 has its balanced weapons. Hard Knuckle is slow but is incredibly powerful. Magnet Missile tracks enemies but has a relatively high energy cost. Shadow Blade can be aimed in seven directions but has a low range (at least compared to Metal Blade). Mega Man 4 has unique, fun weapons that enrich the gameplay experience. There's the Flash Stopper, which allows you to stop time in short bursts. Pharaoh Shot, an awesome, six-direction, chargeable fireball; Rain Flush, a screen-clearer; Ring Boomerang, a energy-efficient boomerang that cuts through shields.

Your point about "the only other franchises I can think of that are repetitious like this are COD and sports games". Mega Man is far more original in its games than those two franchises. Compare the second one to the seventh one. How many things changed between those two? A lot. Sliding, charging, Rush, bolts, the shop, upgrades, alternate paths, more interesting weapons, cleaner, better art style, more detailed and complicated bosses, W and S tanks, unlockable weapons.

This can practically be equated to Mario Party. Each game demands a full set of new minigames, stuff like capsules/candy/whatever, new boards, a new story mode, extra modes. Neither of these series are repetitive when you actually look into them instead of casually glazing over them and assuming.

I get what you are trying to say but the only problem is when collecting all of the GameCube Mario Parties which I find similar to collecting all of the NES Mega Mans and the 4 PSX Mega Man X games (if I do count the PSX version of X3). I mean who even has the time and money to collect all of them. It becomes a painful nightmare in my own words. Is this true for you and everyone else.
Yes, because it is tedious to collect 6 games that can be very cheap and have numerous rereleases.
Pwwnd123 said:
Everyone relax before you flame me. I have low functioning autism and that's a problem with some people with autism like me. I am just making comparisons with lot's of sarcasm and exaggerations . I mean I am using exaggeration with my comparison of Mario Party with the Mega Man series. I mean I am just freaking 13 with low functioning autism for crying out loud.

I can't help but make some comparisons with exaggerations. So anyways are my exaggerations towards both Mario Party and Mega Man are good,okay or bad?

for the record, i was never flaming you. i was trying to help you, and i was fully aware of both your age and autism from the beginning

you see pwwnd, people are inclined to dismiss a poorly presented argument without even reading it. good style makes an argument easier to understand, while poor style makes it harder. if an argument is sufficiently hard to understand, people will be unwilling to expend the effort and simply ignore it. using a microphone that causes your voice to be sometimes too quiet to hear and other times so loud it's actually painful to listen to is poor presentation. using excessively repetitive phrasing is also poor presentation. this is true regardless of your age or autism, so if you want to be having debates with people like this, you need to find a way to deal with it. you can't expect the public to hear "i'm 13 and autistic!" and cope with the flaws in your argumentative style for you, because they never will. they'll just ignore you

Baby Man said:
your forum skin is nice

I am not sure if LeftyGreenMario would agree with my argument. I think he may find a better reasoning about it.
Pwwnd123 said:
I am not sure if LeftyGreenMario would agree with my argument. I think he find a better reasoning about it.

What would my twin say who shares nearly identical views with me and....?
So Baby Luigi, I never knew LeftyGreenMario is your twin brother in real life. Did you agree on the whole collecting part of my argument?
It's not just a twin sister.

It's an identical twin sister.

I usually agree with my sister, except when it comes to convincing her that Mario is better than Baby Luigi. Otherwise, all is well.
So what do you think about my arguements, LeftyGreenMario? Are there some good points that you can agree on?

Here are my two arguments.

Pwwnd123 said:
Baby Man said:
Mario Party isn't a soulless cash grab as you claim it to be.

---- off.

So Baby Luigi, what you are trying to say that both Mega Man and Mario Party aren't the souless cashgrab as I think they both are to me. I mean it was at the point where both Mega Man 5 and 6 is that we are playing the same piece of crap over and over again since Mega Man 1 this game over here:

Tell me, would it be boring to play the same kind of shit over and over again 5 more times just re barfed back at you on the same goddamn NES with different Robot Masters with some slight tweaks here and there to the gameplay department and a new story which ends up turning out to be the same Dr.Wily (Doctah Wahwee) striking back with more of his evil plans and new plots and having Rush as seen in Mega Man 3. I mean isn't this the same about what you think about Galaxy 2 like having a new plot and different stages with the same gameplay with additions here and there that weren't in Galaxy 1 just being rebarfed back right at you for 60 dollars or something as you claim it to be. I mean Call of Duty and EA Sports titles are guilty of the same thing as Mega Man. While the Mega Man is a important retro example to look at in history. I think Mega Man is the originator of the Rapid Game Releases cycle long before Call of Duty and Mario Party.

Besides have you seen my video on Rapid Game Releases which completely filled with my own actual voice where I talk about in my own personal point of view? I do have it filled with my own exaggerations. I mean are my complaints/exaggerations worth debating over?

Here is the video

and this one

Pwwnd123 said:
I think I find collecting all the Mario Parties to be exactly like collecting all 6 of the NES Mega Mans hell even god forbid the entire classic series including the X series. I mean for the GameCube Mario Parties the Mega Man X series is the best example if we count the PSX installments of the X series like lets say the PSX version of Mega Man X3. I mean the Mario Parties have become redundant on the GameCube to the point where it is exactly like the Mega Man series. I mean I even made a goddamn video towards it. I mean the redundancy of both Mario Party and Mega Man is sorta comparable to me. My video proves it. Now who even has the time and money to buy all 6 NES Mega Man games and all 4 GameCube Mario Parties. It is a painful nightmare especially with the NES Mega Mans so you can't collect them chronologically. I mean I am talking real NES cartridge shit right here. Sure we got the Megaman Anniversary Collection for the PlayStation 2,Xbox and GameCube but still that defies achievement. I mean Mega Man 5 and 6 are nothing but a bunch of souless cash grabs by Capcom for the NES and so are Mario Party 6 and 7. They show how you can defy tradition. I mean the Mega Man series is the only game series that defies the typical rule of the 3 game installment per franchise trend on the NES. Do you guys see my points and get what I am trying to say with my exaggerations? Are my complaints/exaggerations valid?

Here is my video:

Umm, no.

I can't really argue with you about the comparison to Mega Man games, since (shame on me) I haven't played a single one. I can, however, argue about the argument in general.

I can't say that Mario Party 4, 5, 6, 7 were the most imaginative things in the world, but I didn't expect them to be. It's not fair to expect the Mario multiplayer games to have as drastic changes as platformers (especially when platformers are established; niche platformers like Rayman Origins should continue using their formula because it's so fresh still) or usually other nonparty games. It's like expecting Super Smash Bros. to get a drastic overhaul. No, the Mario Parties focus on giving more and better experiences with their capsule-orb system, different modes, and even reuse tried-and-true minigame styles. The structure is fine, it just needs some tweaks.

I understand that some people view the Mario series as milked until it's bone-dry kind of thing, but I don't 100% agree with them.
Maᴙio said:
Umm, no.

I can't really argue with you about the comparison to Mega Man games, since (shame on me) I haven't played a single one. I can, however, argue about the argument in general.

I can't say that Mario Party 4, 5, 6, 7 were the most imaginative things in the world, but I didn't expect them to be. It's not fair to expect the Mario multiplayer games to have as drastic changes as platformers (especially when platformers are established; niche platformers like Rayman Origins should continue using their formula because it's so fresh still) or usually other nonparty games. It's like expecting Super Smash Bros. to get a drastic overhaul. No, the Mario Parties focus on giving more and better experiences with their capsule-orb system, different modes, and even reuse tried-and-true minigame styles. The structure is fine, it just needs some tweaks.

I understand that some people view the Mario series as milked until it's bone-dry kind of thing, but I don't 100% agree with them.

So okay, do you at least agree with my complaint of collecting all of the GameCube Mario Parties being compared to the Mega Man series? I mean I actually think that who even has the time and money to collect all of them because I find it to be a painful nightmare just like collecting all 6 of the NES Mega Man games on actual NES carts. Do you totally agree with that statement of mines?
Speaking of Mega Man folks. Which Japanese Mega Man commercials are the best?

Here is the other Mega Man 8 commercial.

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