Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker

Final Boss battle is a total joke. But the ending is pretty cool as we learn it took place before 3D World and explains the Captain Toad levels in this game.
So in the end I was right, Wingo was a completely forgettable villain with nothing all that really interesting going for it.
I still like this bird. :)

Is Wingo and the dragon the only bosses of the game or there is still more to discover?
Lumastar said:
Considering how amazing the final boss of 3D World was, this really is a big disappointment. At least the ending's good though; I was not expecting this to be a prequel!
I mean it is a puzzle game
Mcmadness said:
So in the end I was right, Wingo was a completely forgettable villain with nothing all that really interesting going for it.

using that logic, bowser's final boss fight in galaxy 2 would make him forgettable too
Mcmadness said:
So in the end I was right, Wingo was a completely forgettable villain with nothing all that really interesting going for it.
Oh no, the final boss wasn't Bowser for once! Call Miyamoto, this must be fixed!
Don't read this, it exactly contains spoilers

Was the ending showing a hint of a sequel or a remake of the intro cutscene of Super Mario 3d World?

I think Wingo swallowing a vegetable was a reference to Wart.

I take that back about Wart being seen in wanted posters, I rechecked and it was Wingo all along.
Baby Luigi said:
using that logic, bowser's final boss fight in galaxy 2 would make him forgettable too

The fight yes but he at least had some amusing dialogue

Fawfulthegreat64 said:
Oh no, the final boss wasn't Bowser for once! Call Miyamoto, this must be fixed!
Not being Bowser doesn't automatically make something memorable, that said thats not why Wingo is forgettable.
It constantly amazes me when some Mario fans put a character or final boss at this super high imaginary bar. It seems like some Mario fans expect a Wonderful 101-esque boss fight and Metal Gear-esque characters.
DaKid said:
It constantly amazes me when some Mario fans put a character or final boss at this super high imaginary bar. It seems like some Mario fans expect a Wonderful 101-esque boss fight and Metal Gear-esque characters.

the question is: is it necessarily wrong?

my answer: yeah sometimes it is, sometimes though, you have reasonable expectations for a franchise
DaKid said:
It constantly amazes me when some Mario fans put a character or final boss at this super high imaginary bar. It seems like some Mario fans expect a Wonderful 101-esque boss fight and Metal Gear-esque characters.

I did nothing of the sort, but I still expected better than this.
DaKid said:
It constantly amazes me when some Mario fans put a character or final boss at this super high imaginary bar. It seems like some Mario fans expect a Wonderful 101-esque boss fight and Metal Gear-esque characters.

well its pretty natural, people expect a final boss to be a big thing not something you fight and simply brush it off forever.

Honestly sm64 did that well in some regard because the fight was pretty awesome(still to do this day its the best boss fight in the franchise).

The music really fit the final boss mood, the fight i thought was pretty difficult, and credits really made me feel like i accomplished something great.
My reaction to who the final boss isn't?

My reaction to the battle itself?

I'm definitely in agreement about that being a pretty underwhelming final battle, but it could have been worse, I guess.
yoshiking14x said:
I still like this bird. :)

Is Wingo and the dragon the only bosses of the game or there is still more to discover?
There's still more bosses to discover.
I heard your cant turn off the motion controlled camera in the gamexplain review.

Nooope, staying away from this now. That was my biggest problem with the levels in 3D World, the shitty camera tilting. Unless they patch in an option to turn it off; I want nothing to do with this.

Coming from a Game Informer interview with Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker director Shinya Hiratake...

- idea came to him in a dream
- originally Link was envisioned as the hero
- Mario wouldn't make sense, as he could jump
- Hiratake and a small team worked up a tech demo of a diorama-like game starring Link

"We must have done too good of a job with our demo because during our presentation, Mr. Miyamoto asked us how we were planning on bringing these dioramas into production. He thought we were pitching him an actual physical product design."
- the idea was shot down, but Miyamoto saw potential in the idea
- this is how the idea was included in Super Mario 3D World
- Hiratake chose Captain Toad, considering that his heavy backpack would keep him from jumping
- After Super Mario 3D World, Miyamoto encouraged the team to make a full-blown title

"We like to think that Mr. Miyamoto finally realized the vision we had for a diorama those many years ago."