United States Presidential Election, 2012

@Mariowikidor: That's already happened tho...
Lord Ghirahim said:
@Mariowikidor: That's already happened tho...
You must be referring to the fact that some of the Founding Fathers believed in Deism, something that was popular amongst some elitests back then (like Scientology is today with some Hollywood douchebags), but that was over 200 years ago. No one who is not Catholic or Christian TODAY could ever even beg for the Presidential nomination.
Marwikedor said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
@Mariowikidor: That's already happened tho...
You must be referring to the fact that some of the Founding Fathers believed in Deism, something that was popular amongst some elitests back then (like Scientology is today with some Hollywood douchebags), but that was over 200 years ago. No one who is not Catholic or Christian TODAY could ever even beg for the Presidential nomination.
Although that's true for presidents like Thomas Jefferson, that's not what I'm referring to.

President Obama doesn't seem to believe in the core tenets of Christianity, so that would imply he's not a Christian. People tend to focus on what the media talks about with regard to a candidate's history anyway, so it doesn't have as big of an effect as you think.
While many believe Obama is a Moslem, he has denied being one, as well as denied not being some form of Christian. Had he not, it might have been different.
This is getting off-topic, but...

1. It's Muslim (should we start calling you Xtian?)

2. The only people who seriously give a shit about the religious beliefs of a president (regarding success in office) are self-righteous fuckheads who fail to realize that religious tenets =/= economic policies.
Marwikedor said:
With Mr. Cain out of the race, I guarentee you next year at this time we will be hearing President elect Newt Gingrich. With Romney, he's too liberal-flip-floppy-wishywashy. His base will NEVER support him. Not to mention the elephant in the room: He's a MORMAN. Unless Perry can make a come-back, but Americans won't elect ANOTHER Texan who can't string two words together without fumbling over his thought.

First of all, if you give a *bleep* he's a mormon, you're an idiot.

Secondly, how is having three wives and cheating on two of them the "Christian" "conservative" thing to do? Because that's what Gingrich did.

Marwikedor said:
While many believe Obama is a Moslem, he has denied being one, as well as denied not being some form of Christian. Had he not, it might have been different.

he's not a muslim, dimwit

he's been seen eating pork, drinking alcohol, etc., no one in their right mind can possibly think he's a muslim

Lord Ghirahim said:
President Obama doesn't seem to believe in the core tenets of Christianity,

Where did you hear that? Glenn Beck?

Just because he's not a redneck moron doesn't mean he's not Christian. People seem to get the two confused.
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
President Obama doesn't seem to believe in the core tenets of Christianity,

Where did you hear that? Glenn Beck?

Just because he's not a redneck moron doesn't mean he's not Christian. People seem to get the two confused.
I used my head; denying the core beliefs of a religion means you don't follow it.
Lord Ghirahim said:
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
President Obama doesn't seem to believe in the core tenets of Christianity,

Where did you hear that? Glenn Beck?

Just because he's not a redneck moron doesn't mean he's not Christian. People seem to get the two confused.
I used my head; denying the core beliefs of a religion means you don't follow it.

The core beliefs of Christianity are as follows:

"Jesus is the son of God."

There we go. He doesn't deny that.
Yeah, all that happened was that Obama cut ties with the church he went to.
Despite the fact that i can't actually vote in the next presidential election, what with me being English and that (and the fact that i'm too young to begin with), i'm still voting for the Kool-Aid Man.
[quote author=redacted]

It is unfortunate that the message of civil liberty and honesty has become idiocy in our country.

Hey, I'm just speaking from experience- the first twenty times I heard of Ron Paul were from flyers pinned up all around about how the TSA were going to kill absolutely everyone and that there was a conspiracy to make Ron Paul look bad caused by the communosocialist Muslim Nazi Gay Media, and that voting for him is the only thing that can stop them. So, he hasn't exactly won my confidence.

He seems pretty balanced and fair on a lot of positions that other conservatives are rather extreme about, which is good, but on the other hand he thinks that the civil rights act shouldn't have happened because it violates the free market, so...
Marwikedor said:
I know why can't people just support Ron Paul?!!


1) He hates Israel.
2) He supports Iran. (By this, I mean he supports Iran's douchebag government. The ordinary people there are fine.)
3) He said he didn't give a fuck about the genocide in Darfur. Sure, we weren't required to send soldiers in or anything, but at least he could have given some verbal support for the victims.
4) He said killing Osama bin Laden was completely unnecessary.
5) He was against killing Anwar al-Awlaki, another one of al-Qaeda's leaders.
6) Look at 1, 2 4 and 5. The guy's a terrorist.

Owait, no one ever does...
Wow...this is the most uncomfortable i've ever been, and i'm not even the cause of it.

I'm just glad all weapons were handed in at the counter before entering the thread. :|
I hope Obama gets reelected.

And yes, I believe in more government, universal healthcare, higher taxes for the wealthy, less spending, gay rights, and more.

I think American exceptionalism or something like that is a ridiculous belief.

So basically, I strongly disagree with most of the GOP's policies and plans.
Ornithologist Mario said:
I hope Obama gets reelected.

And yes, I believe in more government, universal healthcare, higher taxes for the wealthy, less spending, gay rights, and more.

I think American exceptionalism or something like that is a ridiculous belief.

So basically, I strongly disagree with most of the GOP's policies and plans.
Did you know that the richest 1% of Americans pay 40% of the income taxes? Did you know that Congress and the President spent trillions on a stimulus bill in 2009, and the economy benefited almost zilch from it? The Democratic party pushed that bill through. Did you know that in a nationalized healthcare system, you are liable to be turned away from life saving treatments if you aren't a productive enough member of society?

I don't see how this type of thinking improves anything...
I support turning unproductive members of society away from health care. Lazy bums. :posh:
Gummy said:
Speaking as a Democrat, in hindsight we probably should have picked Hillary.

Speaking as someone unaffiliated with any party, in hindsight, we should have heeded the warnings presented in George Washington's farewell address.
Brock said:
I support turning unproductive members of society away from health care. Lazy bums. :posh:

You.. WHAT?

How *bleep*ing heartless do you have to be to want to leave people on the streets to die because they can't get a *bleep*ing job? Are you *bleep* crazy? Or are you just an idiot? Or perhaps both?

EVERYONE deserves healthcare. When you graduate from college, I honestly hope that you can't find a job- making you a nonproductive member of society, and then you can have a taste of the medicine you're so keen to force down others' throats. You can go straight to hell if you honestly think it's the fault of the people for being laid off and unable to find a job in this *bleep*ty economy.

I cannot understand how utterly selfish one would have to be to want to let people die because they can't find a job. "Oh, but it's okay, they're not helping society"- who gives a *bleep*? They're still people!

I am flabbergasted.
You know, oddly enough, several nationalized healthcare systems already have the ability to do that. Any system where healthcare is managed by the government based off who "deserves" healthcare seems eerily similar to the things that happened in Nazi Germany...