United States Presidential Election, 2012

Scarecrow von Steuben said:
Brock said:
I support turning unproductive members of society away from health care. Lazy bums. :posh:

You.. WHAT?

How *bleep*ing heartless do you have to be to want to leave people on the streets to die because they can't get a *bleep*ing job? Are you *bleep* crazy? Or are you just an idiot? Or perhaps both?

EVERYONE deserves healthcare. When you graduate from college, I honestly hope that you can't find a job- making you a nonproductive member of society, and then you can have a taste of the medicine you're so keen to force down others' throats. You can go straight to hell if you honestly think it's the fault of the people for being laid off and unable to find a job in this *bleep*ty economy.

I cannot understand how utterly selfish one would have to be to want to let people die because they can't find a job. "Oh, but it's okay, they're not helping society"- who gives a *bleep*? They're still people!

I am flabbergasted.
I doubt he was serious.
Lord Ghirahim said:
You know, oddly enough, several nationalized healthcare systems already have the ability to do that. Any system where healthcare is managed by the government based off who "deserves" healthcare seems eerily similar to the things that happened in Nazi Germany...

Fantastic job falling to Godwin's law.

Scarecrow von Steuben said:
Brock said:
I support turning unproductive members of society away from health care. Lazy bums. :posh:

You.. WHAT?

How *bleep*ing heartless do you have to be to want to leave people on the streets to die because they can't get a *bleep*ing job? Are you *bleep* crazy? Or are you just an idiot? Or perhaps both?

EVERYONE deserves healthcare. When you graduate from college, I honestly hope that you can't find a job- making you a nonproductive member of society, and then you can have a taste of the medicine you're so keen to force down others' throats. You can go straight to hell if you honestly think it's the fault of the people for being laid off and unable to find a job in this *bleep*ty economy.

I cannot understand how utterly selfish one would have to be to want to let people die because they can't find a job. "Oh, but it's okay, they're not helping society"- who gives a *bleep*? They're still people!

I am flabbergasted.

Beyond the fact that you just completely missed the sarcasm in Brock's post, you need to chill the fuck out. If Brock was serious with his comment, you could've attempted to persuade him on the matter with some facts or points or something, rather than a slurry of angsty flaming and swearing and melodramatic statements.

On topic now. I haven't paid any attention to this stuff at all, mainly due to classes being higher on my priority list. I haven't even been able to watch Stewert or Colbert ;~; Is there, uhhhh, anyone/thing that I can see that will explain most of the details in perhaps the most unbiased manner possible? Perhaps some link to the candidates with all of their opinions listed in bullet form or something?
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
When you graduate from college, I honestly hope that you can't find a job- making you a nonproductive member of society, and then you can have a taste of the medicine you're so keen to force down others' throats.
Or lack thereof.
Hypnotoad said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
You know, oddly enough, several nationalized healthcare systems already have the ability to do that. Any system where healthcare is managed by the government based off who "deserves" healthcare seems eerily similar to the things that happened in Nazi Germany...

Fantastic job falling to Godwin's law.
Godwin's law isn't really relevant here though; if you find an issue with the content of my argument, do tell please.
Brock said:
I support turning unproductive members of society away from health care. Lazy bums. :posh:
Although it would be nice to have healthcare, the downsides include an even larger federal government and long waits for treatment, so I agree but for completely different reasons.

(No I don't care that it was sarcastic I'm treating it as if it was real because it's a good point that we should debate)
Lord Ghirahim said:
Hypnotoad said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
You know, oddly enough, several nationalized healthcare systems already have the ability to do that. Any system where healthcare is managed by the government based off who "deserves" healthcare seems eerily similar to the things that happened in Nazi Germany...

Fantastic job falling to Godwin's law.
Godwin's law isn't really relevant here though; if you find an issue with the content of my argument, do tell please.

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." Doesn't matter what context it's in, you made a comparison involving Nazi Germany. It doesn't have to be relevant to anything; Nazis or Hitler simply needs to be involved in a comparison.
Hypnotoad said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
Hypnotoad said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
You know, oddly enough, several nationalized healthcare systems already have the ability to do that. Any system where healthcare is managed by the government based off who "deserves" healthcare seems eerily similar to the things that happened in Nazi Germany...

Fantastic job falling to Godwin's law.
Godwin's law isn't really relevant here though; if you find an issue with the content of my argument, do tell please.

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." Doesn't matter what context it's in, you made a comparison involving Nazi Germany. It doesn't have to be relevant to anything; Nazis or Hitler simply needs to be involved in a comparison.
It still doesn't do anything to the validity of my argument, so I'm assuming from now on that you aren't arguing against my argument, just pointing out that I fulfilled Godwin's law.
The thing is that a lot of people actually believe that, so you can't exactly blame me for taking it seriously- especially since I know nothing about Brock and that we have users who believe crazier things here- Marwikidor, anyone?

carcinoGeneticist said:
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
taking obvious sarcasm seriously

ha ha ha

How was it even remotely obvious? I've heard that exact argument that Brock used sarcastically coming from politicians who use it seriously.
Actually, I should apologize for that. You're right, it's not that obvious that it's sarcasm if you don't know him. And apparently Dr Javelin actually believes it, so.

I still think your reaction was pretty overblown, though.
carcinoGeneticist said:
Actually, I should apologize for that. You're right, it's not that obvious that it's sarcasm if you don't know him. And apparently Dr Javelin actually believes it, so.

I still think your reaction was pretty overblown, though.

1. thanks :)

2. Yeah, it was.

3. It is just dawning on me how hilarious my reaction must have been to someone who knew Brock's comment was sarcasm.
Lord Ghirahim said:
Hypnotoad said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
Hypnotoad said:
Lord Ghirahim said:
You know, oddly enough, several nationalized healthcare systems already have the ability to do that. Any system where healthcare is managed by the government based off who "deserves" healthcare seems eerily similar to the things that happened in Nazi Germany...

Fantastic job falling to Godwin's law.
Godwin's law isn't really relevant here though; if you find an issue with the content of my argument, do tell please.

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." Doesn't matter what context it's in, you made a comparison involving Nazi Germany. It doesn't have to be relevant to anything; Nazis or Hitler simply needs to be involved in a comparison.
It still doesn't do anything to the validity of my argument, so I'm assuming from now on that you aren't arguing against my argument, just pointing out that I fulfilled Godwin's law.

Yeah, uhhh...that's pretty much the entire point that I was trying to get across. If I were to go against your argument, I would present some facts or something to go against it. But, I didn't feel like going against your argument because I simply don't care, but instead I only wanted to point out that you achieved Godwin's Law, which is why that was the only thing that I brought up. Great job getting defensive.
[quote author=redacted]
I do not believe healthcare is within the constitutional jurisdiction of the federal government.

States have the right to choose how they want to deal with healthcare

Because the states are totally more trustworthy than the government.
redacted] [quote author=redacted] I do not believe healthcare is within the [b]constitutional[/b] jurisdiction of the federal government. States have the right to choose how they want to deal with healthcare [b]as that falls under states' rights[/b] (although [b]I personally feel the marketplace and organizations would do better at healthcare[/b] than even the states). [/quote] [/quote] Oh. Right. ok [quote author=Dr. Javelin said:
Brock said:
I support turning unproductive members of society away from health care. Lazy bums. :posh:
Although it would be nice to have healthcare, the downsides include an even larger federal government and long waits for treatment, so I agree but for completely different reasons.

(No I don't care that it was sarcastic I'm treating it as if it was real because it's a good point that we should debate)

i disagree for the reasons i stated earlier

I just.....I have no idea what to say. Can we make sure he never becomes President?

I'll say that the Republican I'm liking right now is Ron Paul, as he's the least crazy and extreme of them all. He's actually...normal, which is what we need in these times. Normal.
Yeah man, those gays are the source of all of america's problems.
QuizmoManiac said:
Yeah man, those gays are the source of all of america's problems.

No, we can't pin this on a single party's members; both have done their fair share in fucking things up.
Mario4Ever said:
QuizmoManiac said:
Yeah man, those gays are the source of all of america's problems.

No, we can't pin this on a single party's members; both have done their fair share in fucking things up.

It appears that we have a problem in this topic of people completely missing a joke/sarcastic comment.

(Edit: made a silly mistake--sleepy, etc.)
Hypnotoad said:
I'll say that the Republican I'm liking right now is Ron Paul

You realize he was against the killings of bin Laden and al-Awlaki, right?
Hypnotoad said:
Mario4Ever said:
QuizmoManiac said:
Yeah man, those gays are the source of all of america's problems.

No, we can't pin this on a single party's members; both have done their fair share in fucking things up.

It appears that we have a problem in this topic of people completely missing a joke/sarcastic comment.

(Edit: made a silly mistake--sleepy, etc.)
I hope we find a remedy.
The Tenth Amendment states that all rights not expressly given to the federal government by the Constitution, nor kept from the states, are reserved for the states only. Therefore the states get to choose their healthcare systems.
Herr Shyguy said:
redacted] (although I personally feel the marketplace and organizations would do better at healthcare than even the states). [/quote] No I'm pretty sure that the current state of healthcare shows that private enterprise alone cannot be trusted with a service so vital. [/quote] Strongly agreed. [quote author=Dr. Javelin said:
redacted] I do not believe healthcare is within the constitutional jurisdiction of the federal government. [/quote] Thank you. The Tenth Amendment states that all rights not expressly given to the federal government by the Constitution said:
Hypnotoad said:
I'll say that the Republican I'm liking right now is Ron Paul

You realize he was against the killings of bin Laden and al-Awlaki, right?

Yeah, but you lost just about all your credibility when you decided he was a terrorist, so we're going to ignore you.
Think what you will of Rick Perry, but his governmental policies in Texas were largely responsible for Texas' relatively low unemployment rate, whereas the more liberal states' governments such as California haven't helped much with that.
Lord Ghirahim said:
Think what you will of Rick Perry, but his governmental policies in Texas were largely responsible for Texas' relatively low unemployment rate, whereas the more liberal states' governments such as California haven't helped much with that.

Then maybe what we need is a combination of Rick Perry's low unemployment rate and California's tolerance and non-redneckness.

Really, though, Rick Perry would be a dreadful president. His fervent support of the death penalty has gone past 'enthusiastic' and into 'creepy'.

It disturbs me how much conservative policies focus less on helping people and more on death and revenge. Look at their stance on welfare: conservatives don't want to help the many people who genuinely need welfare because they would end up helping the minority who abuse it. And the death penalty: they aren't content to send criminals to jail- no, they must be killed, even if that means that an innocent man would get killed in the process (people have been wrongly convicted in the past). An innocent man convicted of a heinous crime could be executed- just before proof of his innocence surfaces. You can't take that chance. Who knows how many of Perry's 'record number of executions' were innocent people?

Hypnotoad said:

I just.....I have no idea what to say. Can we make sure he never becomes President?

Don't worry, he never will be. He's just a sideshow while the GOP finds an actual plausible candidate.
Scarecrow von Steuben said:
Dr. Javelin said:
[quote author=redacted]
I do not believe healthcare is within the constitutional jurisdiction of the federal government.
Thank you.

The Tenth Amendment states that all rights not expressly given to the federal government by the Constitution, nor kept from the states, are reserved for the states only. Therefore the states get to choose their healthcare systems.

You're seriously saying that the states- like the state where Rick "Record Number of Executions" Perry got elected to governor- can be trusted with the welfare of poor people?
It's not about whether the states can be trusted or not, it's about whether the feds have the right to force healthcare on the states. And they don't.