Your current mood.

I just looked at a picture of myself grinning, but with the half-shaved eyebrow reminding me of what happened weeks ago, I just want to cry a lot now.

I feel like I'm in prison.
Really pissed off.

Mum changes her fucking tune pretty damn quick, saying she'll support me and my partner with flat hunting for uni, and now trying to force me to apply for halls.
I'm kind of sleepy. Lately, I've been having awful headaches, but thankfully I haven't had one today. (Let's see how long that lasts, haha.)
Feeling fine. Had a great birthday and had my first drink and probably my first sort-of drunkenness, I guess?
Striker Mario said:
Feeling fine. Had a great birthday and had my first drink and probably my first sort-of drunkenness, I guess?

Oh, it was your birthday? Happy belated birthday!

I'm a little stressed out because I have an essay to do and I really don't feel like doing it whatsoever.

I Want Candy is on and I won a game of seven-card stud against my grandmother because she showed her hand too early. I had two pair.
it's time to sleep and im not sleepy yet.

I feel neutral right now , and bit lazy since i know that i should do some stuff but im just not doing it because i don't feel like it :/

I need to get over that.
I'm sleepy but I feel like writing. Why this.

I really should sleep, too, it's 4:17 AM. But watch as I stay up even later playing Paper Jam. God dang it.
Camilla said:
shitty since ive fainted like 10 times this week

Eat breakfasts and drink lots of water is it's a blood pressure thing. I always carry a bottle of water now to stave off episodes if I start feeling bad on the subway or whatever. Sitting down as soon as you feel it coming on also helps avoid total blackout.
I'm pretty happy (woo Smash Hit soundtracks), but my leg is hurting and I'm still having that lingering headache from yesterday.