What if your avatar met the avatar above?

Hey Peach, is there any way I can get into the next Grand Prix?
Plumber Peach said:
You mean "hello, It's-a-me!"

That sounds more fitting if you ask me.
I like my accent, but no need for Mario to type it out.

Hey, there! You rescuing princesses?
Yeah, I was rescuing myself, and knowing I'm a princess... so technically, I'm saving a princess.
You sure? I rescue people of all kinds. My specialty is usually giant turtle things and those who need "rescuing" from faulty plumbing or are trapped in a construction site somewhere. But I'm a generalist! I'm good at all sorts of rescues.
Nicey. Well, I've rescued those who think they can handle themselves. Even the powerful ones need help from a little guy like me sometimes.
Heheh, I think it's just that I'm short for my species's standards. Very short, you might say. Most of the ladies I meet are pretty tall relative to me to begin with, probably at around your height! But I like people shorter than me too. I'm surrounded by them, in fact!
I can get you to meet Yoshi, but I don't know about Daisy...
Here you go then!


I always sucked at cursive, don't judge me lol
Princess Zelda said:
Do you have a laser blade in that arm cannon?
It would be good, right? I can go slashing around like Link? I wish!

Hey, Luigi! How's the Switch? Hm? Can't hear me? Mama mia...
I was just asking how the Switch was, but since you're busy, I guess I'm going to go boot up that 2016 Doom game on Mario's PC. Mario is a fan!
It's fun to watch! It's probably not for you, bro, hah, so uh, have fun with your game.
I love you, bro, but I don't get you sometimes. I'm going in here, this floor is getting uncomfortable.
Hm, maybe if I'm done, I can show you Titanfall 2, also on Mario's PC.