Gravity Falls

Bane said:
Lolwut I've been quoted in Tabuu's sig

Anyway, carry on.

Aww...never mind, it's gone. :'(

Anyway, carry on.
Nabber said:


Also, loved all the little game references, especially the end credits (It's-a me, Mabel!). Also, Soos really needs more screentime, IMO.
To be honest, I didn't like the episode. They're focussing too much on the Wendy/Dipper/Robby thing, and not enough on the mystery of Gravity Falls. This episode just didn't feel... Very paranormal, you know?
Nabber said:
To be honest, I didn't like the episode. They're focussing too much on the Wendy/Dipper/Robby thing, and not enough on the mystery of Gravity Falls. This episode just didn't feel... Very paranormal, you know?

Yeah, it's probably one of the weakest episodes so far. The love triangle that's been around for several episodes is being overused, especially since Robbie is just a boring character (Wendy is okay, but probably also my least favorite of the five main characters). It was the game references and Soos's moments that saved it, IMO.
No, it was Waddles that saved it.

...and Soos.

But the game references? Things like Donkey Kong are just so overused now that it's not even funny anymore.
Nabber said:
No, it was Waddles that saved it.

...and Soos.

But the game references? Things like Donkey Kong are just so overused now that it's not even funny anymore.

Not that so much as the ending credits and the Street Fighter parody.
aaand I just realized after reading this thread that I've been missing the new episodes

Hopefully I can catch up soon.
Honestly, I don't think you should have nominated Gravity Falls in FCIV. You should've waited until the first season was over and/or nominate it in FCV. said:
The pixel sprites were animated by Paul Robertson, who also designed the sprites for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game.
I thought they looked familiar.
I was talking to my cousin about Gravity Falls, and he says that he'd like to see Gideon and Pacifica team up.
I JUST saw Fight Fighters, and...
Well, let me put it like this, I am a HUGE nerd over video games. I am also one of those guys who don't like how video games are usually dealt with in cartoons like this, i.e. they're in the game even though it doesn't look like a game, the characters don't look like they're from a game, the implication that video games are bad for you, etc.

First off, the first two problems were solved with the games that were presented, in that they actually LOOK like games. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if a game called "Fight Fighters" actually exists, it's that real to me! And Rumble McSkirmish, it's amazing how detailed, and yet pixelly he is, THE perfect representation of a video game character in the real world!

Something else that annoys me in episodes like these is that the video games in them are clear carbon copies of the original games (Frogger, Pac-Man, etc.) and yet for whatever reason, they're not really them. This is obviously a licensing issue, and video games can be expensive to license and use in your show (hence why I have so much respect, and excitement, for Wreck-It Ralph). Here, it didn't bother me so much, since there were so many other awesome things happening.

Getting back to Rumble, again, I LOVE his design. An obvious shout-out to Street Fighter's Ryu, as well as they really corny dialogue from video games of that era, his overall look reminds me of Scott Pilgrim, particularly Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game. It almost feels like, if "Fight Fighters" were made now, it'd totally make sense, given how video games are very niche-driven anyway.

That being said, I don't care for Dipper's relationship with Wendy, nor to I like Robbie all that much. That is, I get he's a jerk, but I also get that he's there to show that he's a bad boyfriend for Wendy to be with, and it gives you the impression that Dipper deserves to take him down a peg, and that's kind of lame... Which is why I liked the ending, it's like Robbie and Dipper, even though they still hate each other, reached a sort of compromise when it comes to Wendy. Even though it DOES bug me that they're kind of treating Wendy as an object to be won (especially Robbie, who didn't even bother listening to her saying she was going camping with her family), it doesn't bother me that much since she's such a dull character compared to everyone else.

Then there's Soos. He took "going inside the video game" to a whole new episode of hilarity! Also, anyone else reminded of Troll 2 when they saw "Nort" (hint hint ;) )

More Mr. Waddles, and Grunkle Stan and Wendy's scenes were good, too, but then again, Grunkle Stan IS my favorite character. And the closing credits sequence rivals "the talking pelican" as one of the best in the series, IMO.

So yeah, I'd give it 4 stars out of 5. Probably one of my new favorites, though mostly for the video game stuff.
reposting this here because it'll get more attention for some reason


Not a bad episode tonight, but I do think Gideon lost some of his charm. He's just too non-serious to really feel like a true villain. On the other hand, NO WADDLES :(
Update: I've seen the first 10 episodes now.

Mason said:
Guess who my favorite character is.
Nabber said:
Dipper? Don't really know to be honest. The fan favorite seems to be Soos.
Neither of those. As of this post, it's a toss-up between Grunkle Stan and Mabel. Five years ago, I probably would've picked Wendy as my favorite character in a heartbeat. But I think Dipper is the most close to my personality.

Soos is cool, but not a contender for my favorite character. I liked the door/closet thing. "Dude, wouldn't it be funny if that was a closet, and he had to come back out and walk out the real door? ... ...Nope, real door."
Also, I don't like Grunkle Stan. I mean, I do like him, but he feels to much like Mr. Krabs to me, which annoys me. It doesn't help that his rivalry with Gideon is almost exactly like Krabs/Plankton's.