Worst Mario Game Ever

How about the worst Mario game for the Gamecube?
That's tough...I can't decide
Maybe. After all, it's the one I liked the least on the Mario Parties for the GameCube
Yeah, with stupid stuff like Bowser Time (although it is pretty fun when Wario suffers), glued teams, Mic games, Koopa Kid spaces, etc. UGH.
It gets even harder as we plunge in the N64 era to see which one is the worst Mario game
Mario Kart 64 doesn't feel as good as the other Mario Karts, though. The AI is THE definite worst in that game!

I hate it!
I haven't played too much the Mario Parties in that era, so I have no say in it. I'd still agree with on Mario Kart 64 being one of the bad ones.
Super Mario 64 is bad compared to the future Mario games, but at the time, it was a breakthrough.
Super Mario 64 is by no means a bad game
It is a good game in its own right, but considering the controls, etc., it is worse than the future games, in my opinion. Of course, it is an old game, so it is forgiven.
From a multiplayer perspective, however, Super Mario 64 is horrible. Never played it until much later because I wasn't interested
Baby Luigi Lacertae said:
From a multiplayer perspective, however, Super Mario 64 is horrible.
This is technically true, but only because SM64 is single-player.
I know. I sound seriously stupid when I said that because SM64 is a single-player game

Anyway, what is the worst N64 Mario game overall? I wonder....
Well, I did say "N64 Mario game overall"
It's ok. An honest and common mistake made is not a big deal
Scrub Jay said:
It is a good game in its own right, but considering the controls, etc., it is worse than the future games, in my opinion. Of course, it is an old game, so it is forgiven.

Really? I think Super Mario 64 is the best 3d Mario game because of the free roaming gameplay
Super Mario 64 DS is better IMO, although it is a remake.

I vote for Super Mario Bros. USA to be the worst Mario game. It is not actually a bad game, per se. It is simply the fact that it is a rip-off of Doki Doki Panic.

Though Hotel Mario does come to mind...
That's why it should be listed as one of the worst Mario games, even though its gameplay wasn't horrible.

I'm still thinking Hotel Mario is worse than Super Mario Bros. USA
Don't hesitate. It IS worse than a rip-off. That is how bad it is.