Princess Viola

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  • One of my fave things is bootleg phones from places like Wish that claim to have like 8 million HD rear cameras when they just mean an 8 MP rear camera.
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    This place being hella slow for anyone else or is it just on my end?
    Paper Mario
    Paper Mario
    It was completely down for me earlier so i think it's not just you
    It's fine now. I was too busy on other forums to notice it.
    connection to both boards and wiki has been spotty for me the entire day (though ti seems fine right now) and im still glad to know its not just me
    i barely use facebook these days so imagine my rage when i log in for the first time in a couple weeks to see they've completely redesigned the site into ASS because they made the desktop site identical to the mobile site >_>
    goddddddddd whats the point of redesigning sites to optimize for mobile when you can have, or literally already have a mobile version
    My computer can't even handle Facebook for some reason, it's the only site I've run into that's extremely slow for me.
    @ZelenPixel Probably to make development and moving things between the two platforms easier. It's a shame that they have to design it like the inferior version though (and as far as I'm concerned mobile versions are almost always gonna be worse because the platform is inherently more limited).
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    one of the greatest decisions i ever did with my computer keyboard was remapping the caps lock key to serve as an alternate backspace.
    The caps lock key is the bane of my existence for a type speed test.
    anyone know the least painful way to chop your own arm off? a cockroach just crawled down mine.
    • Wow
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    You think having a cockroach is bad just imagine having a slug.

    Slime won't come off of you for nothing-
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Holy shit that sounds terrible, I hate those things so much. If it crawled down my arm, I would have simply killed it with a quick smack.
    I'll never look at trains the same way again..
    Also I'm terribly sorry for you that that happened.
    i just realized this pfp makes like zero sense here since none of y'all know my particular interest in the person in it
    yesterday was a 'nothing is going right' day as far as food went. first i had to throw out a calzone cuz it went moldy and i couldn't get mickey d's cuz it was closed. then for dinner, i wanted a tuna sub from publix but they were out of tuna. at that point, i was annoyed so i ordered a tuna sub from the local pizza joint instead because i deserved one
    • Wow
    Reactions: Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Yeah, no one likes discovering mold when a food is stuck too long in the fridge, but the other two incidents are a double whammy, yikes.
    I had to clear cookies and my cache in my browser earlier and no I will never enable push notifications ever.
    I only have them enabled for here, Gmail, YouTube, Discord and Twitter.
    had a weird dream these boards randomly became dr robotnik themed
    you know, i STILL don't know what the hell the follow feature on xenforo boards like this one does
    yea same though i havent followed anyone to be fair
    imo it's just to show who you're friends with. i don't use it for all my friends, so it doesn't mean i'm not friends if i'm not following them, but if i feel like i like someone i might follow them. there is the news feed thing but i don't really use that
    i randomly remembered the username and password to my first runescape account today. turns out i've been playing it for nearly 15 years now, jfc.
    i really hate using my microwave cuz it's only 800 watt and literally every microwave meal i've got tells the times for 1000 or 1100 watt ones ugh
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