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  • I dreamed about Mario Party 9 with Miis which is something I would definitely play if it existed.
    Fun fact: I'm dating a martian trying to disguise himself as a human and not doing very well at it.
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    I didn't know shoey was dating someone!
    It just took me three tries to fast forward a song on Spotify because I forgot where the fast forward button was.
    Oh, cool. My idiot mom is racist toward indigenous people. As if I needed another reason to hate her.
    Y I K E S. Is she that type who's like "Columbus Day celebrated civilizing the cannibals" .
    Shoutout to anyone who's also stuck without Wi-Fi today because Comcast is shitty.
    Computer grading is idiotic and I really don't want to use it if I were ever to become a professor.
    I got up from my bed at 1:50 and it is now 1:26.
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    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    T I M EㅤT R A V E L
    Let's hear it for daylight savings!
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    It threw me off but fall back is always easier to adjust to than spring forward
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    I think I need to schedule an appointment with my psychiatrist again. My anxiety has been getting out of control to the point it's been affecting my ability to do anything.
    I told my mom it was easier to get into the bathroom and she started talking about air conditioners.
    The people doing construction next door are triggering my autism, cool.
    The Evil Queen
    The Evil Queen
    Yeah, I had neighbours who did that a few times and i hated it
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Tell me about whoever operates the pounding machine crap at like 4 am in the morning.
    @Timmy Turner I don't know what a pounding machine is but I did just get woken by incessant jackhammering from the people next door.
    If any of the wiki bureaucrats want to change the name of my account that I'll never use just so I can match it to my other internet presence, please help me out because I don't remember how to log in or even what is called.
    I haven't seen my boyfriend in over a year and I'm so fucking desperate. We've been dating for three years and I've gotten to spend five days with him in total. I miss him so much.
    Please, for the love of god, stop advertising crypto to me on YouTube. I'm not interested in buying into a massive scam.
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    "Please place you discussion for Week one in this forum. Please do not start a new thread." -my marketing class discussion forum on week nine
    I have a marketing paper due in three hours that I meant to due yesterday then forgot about until just now. Time to shmoove on Word.
    Fun fact: the reason I'm a ghost is because my boyfriend is also a ghost. I was dating him for about a year before I came out as trans and I thought it would be cute if we were both ghosts.
    Today is the 92nd anniversary of Black Tuesday, but it's Friday. So technically, happy Black Friday.
    I can't say I've ever had my ADHD start making me hyper because of a song I was listening to but it just happened to me a few minutes ago.
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