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  • I want to do some creative writing on here. Any suggestions for some kind of fanfic I could write?
    I'd like to counter with the fact that my style of creative writing isn't really fit for a Shroom section. Unless someone can forward me to a section that's just short stories, I don't think it's quite my style.
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    You probably could write a 'Shroom section that just consists of short stories honestly, the staff are really good about accommodating interested writers. You should give it a try sometime.
    I'd be happy to, I just don't know what I could do offhand.
    Why is it that Tetris 99 and Clubhouse Games have losing music that's way better than the winning music?
    I just killed this fucking daddy long legs looking thing and honestly, good riddance. I don't get people who are nice to insects.
    It's hot take time.

    I think Mario Odyssey is the most overrated Mario game of all time. It's still good but it's nowhere near the best Mario game ever.
    I'm pretty sure there's some setting in Galaxy 2 that I'm not aware of and everyone else that praises this game up the wahoo is not telling me.

    Galaxy 2 has the most confusing Metacritic score for me.
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    But can Galaxy 2 let you crossdress normally? Didn't think so. Worse than Odyssey by default.
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    @Mario: a pumpkin head And shoutout to Luigi for not judging him at all. There's a man who's really with the times.
    I would love to know from another trans person what HRT is actually like. I've been wanting to get on it for like two years but I don't actually know what it's like to be on.
    Leave it to a guy named Brian to show up in my law book for starting a porn website called candyland. Shoutouts to Hasbro for making this a thing I have to read about.
    I just had an amazing dream. I was part of this competition where four people ran into a house and tried to claim as many things as possible. The value of the items was completely irrelevant, you just had to have the most the to win. It was so fun.
    Mii Mafia 2 is definitely in the works and I'm so sorry to anyone who was in the original one. I think everyone who was in it has left by now but it wasn't very good and I want to redeem myself.
    Look out for it when WT's is almost over.
    Hey, just thought I would let you know in case you were unaware: I've also been planning a game since midway in the year that's set to start after WT Mafia wraps up, which I've been giving scheduling updates on in the Upcoming Games Thread. I'd recommend giving it a read so you're aware of who has plans for doing a mafia and in what timeframe, and maybe posting in there yourself about wanting to host the game. That's not to say you can't host during that time or anything, but I figured you should be aware that you're not the only one with plans after WT mafia, and that if you do go through with it you'll likely have to deal with another game being run at the same time. I wish you good luck with planning your game! :luma:
    Thanks for letting me know, I wouldn't want to steal your spot. Hopefully I can get in after you sometime closer to December.
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    Update: my economics teacher is going to "take a look" at the question I emailed him about.
    I get to dispute a quiz question with my economics teacher, how fun.
    Basically, the same question showed up on two quizzes, one of them with an extra answer of "Only A and B are correct." On the first one, only A was correct so seeing the question again, I recognized it and picked A again. But this time the answer was "Only A and B." So apparently, B was wrong on the first quiz but now suddenly it's right?
    Well, maybe they wanted a specific answer and not both on the first test?
    It was literally the exact same question and it didn't really even have anything to do with this week's material. I'm really not sure what the point of only wanting one answer on the first would be.
    My idiot mom never cleans out her fridge so she left something in there for a long time and it started to mold. I sure am glad I noticed it.
    I would love to host a mafia soon but I can understand people not wanting to join one while WT's is still going on. I would need to figure out the theme I would want to go with anyway.
    I'm just now going to bed because I spent two and a half hours on my newly functional Wii Sports Club mod.
    Remember how my mom was standing right in front of someone who had recently had Covid? Yeah, now I'm coughing right on time.
    It was just an asthma flare-up, I'm all good.
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    My computer decided it would be a funny prank if instead of uploading my writing assignment, I uploaded the boxart for Paccie. Really glad I caught that.
    I have the sleep schedule of a Californian but I literally live right next to the Atlantic Ocean.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    So it's 1, isn't it, lol.

    Well I have a tendency to stay up late too.
    You ever just get a year and a half long craving for corned beef hash that you can't satisfy because you don't know where to get it other than one place that's nowhere near you?

    Or is it just me?
    My boyfriend's 20th birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to get him a custom plush but I couldn't find a plush maker in time.
    I could rant about my idiot mom for hours if you let me but I'm glad she finally stopped talking to that other person.
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