Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

Unvote Lily Flyer

Vote Lisa Brilliant.
You know, the real question is, what happens when Roger Buster comes into play?

Well, we don't know yet, because we're going back into Anime Hell this month. Have fun!

(I know I won't.)

#33: Lisa Brilliant - 11
#27: Draq - 7
#14: Jack Levin - 1
#24: Michael Chain - 2
#37: Lily Flyer - 1
You might notice there's no Mach Speed Mayhem this month, for the first time in three years.

The short explanation is, I hit a wall this month. Thanks to multiple personal factors, I just never had the time to sit down and write a good article. So rather than half-ass something weak and rush to get it in at the last second, I just... decided to accept the skip.

Mach Speed Mayhem will return next month. Thanks for understanding!
Lily Flyer.