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Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Avengers Endgame:

Statler: I think you could compare this movie to chewing a stick of gum.
Waldorf: How so?
Statler: It starts out tasteful, but the further into it, the blander it becomes.
Waldorf: Yeah, and once you take a new stick to chew, it won't match the taste of the first one.

people will join this forum and make like 6 posts and they're all completely insane and then their threads get
moved to thread storage and they never show up again for like 4 months and then come back and start posting the exact same shit again and then get hit with a permaban by the mods

it's wild
Even though I always really liked Paper Mario color splash I've never owned a wii u in my life
I watched a playthrough of color splash years ago i don't even remember when but probably in 2017 ish and I instantly thought the game was fantastic and I really wanted to play it.
I have a friend my age whose family owns a wii u and color splash. So a few years later when I was at his house I asked to play a little bit. From what I remember I beat port prisma and nothing else but he remembers that I made it to Morton.
Fast forward to less than a month ago and my friend with the wii u is at my house and he downloaded a wii u emulator on my computer as well as color splash
In the Greek dub of Thomas the Tank Engine, the Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt is called Kýrios Chontropatátas, which basically translates to MR FATTY POTATO
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Reactions: Polterpup and June
That's honestly really funny.
As someone from Greece, i can confirm that is what translates to
(But seriously i had no idea about this and I'm dying from laughter right now)
Garfield: *eats apple* *spits out core* *eats fish* *spits out bones* *eats donut* *spits out nothing* "I spit out the hole :)"
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I've edited this strip to remove any traces of wording, and I noticed that if Garfield never communicated (to the reader), the reader wouldn't know the joke. Goes to show that despite the adage of not explaining the joke (at the risk of ruining it), not explaining it might also confuse the reader.

Thank you for reading.
I'm surprised that with Inside Out 2 there hasn't been more backlash that it's another sequel Pixar is making. I guess that's an indicator of how good the first movie was
I'm still feeling really hurt from my mom's rant from a couple weeks ago. It's genuinely affected my mental health to the point that I've had to start more frequent therapy. Think I'm going to need to take some time to try to heal.
Waldorf and Statler (The Muppet Show) on Regular Show:

Waldorf: I never thought a cartoon could go from 0 to 100 so quickly within 5 minutes of each episode.
Statler: Well, what do you expect? When you let The Muppets write an animated series, you can expect anything but regular.

Remember that rumor that Talking Angela was an app by predators and you could see them in her eyes? Because real life sick creeps leave deliberate clues that they're there in a place a lot will see them like The Riddler or something
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I remember when I was young there was some annoying kid that told me that game tracks down your address and sends killers to your house. I never played the game but I remember actually believing them and having a total freakout about that as like a 10 year old
Honestly believable, creeps will go through any level of security to get a good look at your child, I don't understand why there's so many people like this but it's weird and unnerving
I know I've been tossing this around as a joke but someday in the near future I might actually make a MarioBoards lore recap video/shroom section and you won't be laughing then
I bought my first pair of Air Jordans, and they arrived today:

I will admit they feel very expensive (but then again I paid nearly $100 for them). It almost feels embarrassing to wear them, like I don't need or deserve something like these.
I have Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Princess Peach Showtime now.

BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING LIKE 'Wtf Viola your grandpa died and you bought video games???????????????????' let me point out two things:
1. I had an NSO voucher to use that I redeemed to get TTYD digitally yesterday. (I bought the vouchers back in March because I wanted Pokémon Shield and was saving the other for something else)

2. I bought Princess Peach Showtime physically yesterday with cash BEFORE my grandpa died, OK. He died at 8:42 pm and I was at GameStop at like 7pm when I bought the game. I was not out shopping knowing he was dead, I was at home when I learned it.

Koopa con Carne
Koopa con Carne
I don't think you need to excuse yourself. You handle grief any way you can. Anyone telling you that you have no right to unload or even find a little bit of joy after a family member passes away is a sanctimonious asshat, especially since many people probably don't wish for their relatives to endlessly incur the weight of their passing or to find no respite from it.

You are not guilty. You may celebrate the memories of your grandpa as you also celebrate your limited life on earth.
My writing mojo has been totally gone lately so I'm thinking of going over to campus and spending a few hours at the library so I can get some writing done. I'd go to the building I usually write in but the air conditioning there is awful to the point that I nearly passed out there once so I think the library is a better idea.
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There's nothing more inspiring than some good old fashioned air conditioning
I can relate on the writing troubles, Natalie. I've been dealing with severe writer's block as of late, and I just struggle to find the inspiration and motivation to write anything. And I have no idea how I'm going to regain that inspiration and motivation.