Good wishes aren't always good wishes

granted, but a ninja finds you glowing in the dark, and you die.

I wish I could turn into my personal mii character
Granted, your frozen.

I wish I could have a pet yoshi.
Granted, you get bored with everything going right and wish your life was better spent.

I wish for Scribblenauts Unmasked.
Granted, it's whisky which is 99% alcohol

I wish for telekinesis powers.
Granted, but it's so powerful that you suffer the same fate as Phoenix of the X-Men did. You go crazy and die.

I wish I had adamantium in my skeleton so I could have claws like Wolverine
Granted, you accidentally stab yourself with your claws when showing them off to a friend.

I wish for nothing good to happen to me.
Granted, nothing but bad things happen to you for the rest of your life

I wish I could do Optic Blast like Cyclops
Granted, you bend over one day and accidentally shoot yourself.

I wish the cake was not a lie.
Granted, but everything else is a lie.

I wish I don't need to charge my phone.
Granted, it electricutes you due to always full charge, whenever you plug it in.

I wish for my computer to be fixed.
Granted, but the computer is intelligent and takes over the world.

I wish I liked coffee.
Granted,but you become hypher.

I wish I could edit the mario wiki more. (Tis the very first wiki I started apon)
Granted, you can't stop editing until you die of fatigue.

I wish it was Christmas again.
Granted, but Santa couldn't determine if you were good or bad between the past few weeks.

I wish I could work for nintendo