Good wishes aren't always good wishes

Granted, but the moment you try to get on it, I, the fat guy, and the large rock all fall on top of you and everyone dies, including the horse and you.

I wish I had a time machine, so I could save the cake before it gets destroyed.
Granted, but the horse bites your hand off trying to eat the sugar cube.

I wish I had donkey, so it can mate with MG1's horse and have a mule, which I will sell for millions of dollars!
Granted, but it turns out being 21 isn't really that great after all.

I wish I'd know what to do against the boredom.
Granted, but the defense mechanisms cause you to wind up with cactus spines in your face.

I wish I could identify the source material of any avatar on an internet forum with a mere glance.
Granted, your sudden amount of empathy for everything means you quickly overwork yourself trying to fixing everything wrong. In a week you die of exhaustion and fatigue.

I wish to be :posh:
Granted, now it hates you and attempts to kill you at every opportuity.

I wish Mr. Oaktown Mojo there actually put some thought into his wish corruptions.
Granted, but Firefox crashes before he can post them.

I wish all humans and cacti would put down their weapons and spines, forget their differences, hold hands and sing a rousing chorus of "Cry Me A River".
Marioguy1 said:
Granted but you're missing a microscope :P (see what I did there)
*bans Marioguy1* :P

Granted, but it goes on a collision course with your Firefox / whatever you use.

I wish I could visit the moon and I had a spacesuit on with me.
Granted, but then I steal it from you.

I wish I had some garlic sauce with this falafel.
I don't care much, I put garlic on basically everything.

Granted, but you forgot to set a proper definition for "do", so you do it by setting the laundry on fire.

I wish sleeping was completely optional.