Good wishes aren't always good wishes

But they explode and blow up your house

I wish I was :mario:
but ur a yoshi

I wish I had
a pet pikachu
Granted. It's so tiny, you can't see it.

I wish for a window.
Granted, since Mario's body can't spit fireballs and Bowser's body is too heavy to run, they decide to switch back.

I wish for some pasta.
Granted, but the pasta is equipped with surveillance technology that was built by a mad scientist who wants to take over the world. So not only do you die because you ate robotic pasta, but the evil scientist knows where your family lives so that he can brainwash them into serving him.

I wish I had the power to instantly clean my room.
Granted. As a bonus, you have to pay a $1,324,390,325 every time your power is used or else you get thrown to eternal prison.

I wish that I can lick my eyeballs.
Granted. You always become a victim in any random M-rated fan fic.

I wish people's feet smell good.
Granted. It's your own blood.

I wish for talking flowers with wings made of cheese.
Granted. You get only a millisecond to play each game.

I wish for Mr. Game & Watch to be Mr. Game & Watch.
Granted, he becomes Mr. Game & Watch.
I wish for nothing.