The last thing you bought

>>Herr Shyguy
Wouldn't I overload the server, if it's a game server?
I only can't seem to run it:
[root@vps html]# java -cp minecraft-server.jar com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
[root@vps html]#
Oh well. I tried to set one up myself but I raegquitted halfway through trying to set up a static IP address.
some brand new pairs off awesome high-top pink Nikies, there friken beast dawgggg :D
Japanese Nintendo 3DS.
I'll wait for games for it later on, since I get an European 3DS as well, and the first good 3DS game comes at March 24th in Japan.
Super Street Fighter 3D Edition.
I actually didn't want to have this game, but my visit at Nintendo changed my plans.
I bought Banjo Kazooie off of Ebay a week ago. I actually don't remember buying anything after this.
Rayman 3D. I thought it was funny how this game was for sale, even though the 3DS isn't out yet. Now I have a game for when I get the system in a few days. ;D
Forgot something:
The new spring burger at the McDonalds.
Samurai Warrior for 3DS (because it's weekend, I need to wait until it's monday for my delivery).
Intake for obtaining drivers license.
A 3DS and Rayman 3DS ;D
Super Monkey Ball 3D.
Another server in Chicago, USA.
I decided to use the Phoenix one as an LDAP Server, and the Chicago one as a mail server.
Is everyone here intentionally rubbing in that they have a 3ds and I don't!?!?!?!? Last thing I bought was a Cherry Coke Zero!