The last thing you bought

Nurse Joy said:
Some VGA cables.
Don't worry about the 3DS, I have enough money for February 26th.
When does it come out?

A neo cube/Bucky ball
February 26th in Japan, and somewhere in March for the rest of the world.
The last thing I brought was some Microsoft Points, so I could download Sonic the Hedgehog 4.
Last thing I bought? Haven't gotten the faintest idea now, but I'm pretty sure it's food.
Chick-fil-A, even though I could have made breaded-chicken myself.
Nintendo 3DS (Pre-Order).
The Last Story (Japan Import).
Mario Kart DS Beta Cartridge (eBay).
A Dr. Pepper and a Fanta, in a two-for-one offer, for £1.70.
Don't post pictures with blood/gore. It's a violation of general rule 10.

The rules said:
10. Absolutely no inappropriate content such nude images, pornography, gore, etc. This includes discussion of said content.

If you're unsure of what's too bloody/gory and what isn't, just PM a moderator.
That picture was me and Garlic's avatar for a while, with mod approval.
I bought both Humble Indie Bundles 1 and 2 (for Steam) on eBay for $9. There were ten games total, so I wound up getting the games for 90 cents each. :)
Taiko no Tatsujin Wii Dodoon to 2 Yome! (Without drums.)
Oh, and I forgot something:
A server in Phoenix, USA.
I temporary call that server, PROXY1, until I have a decent task for it.
Having an American server is really handy, as I can watch content, blocked for people outside of the USA.