Community Event: Multi-Game, Multi-World Randomizer w/ Archipelago - Sign Ups CLOSED, get your YAMLs in!!


I can see through time
She / They
Join Our Archipelago Multi-World Randomizer Event!

Hey everyone,

Ready to embark on a thrilling gaming challenge? Join us for our upcoming archipelago multi-world randomizer event! This event is perfect for both seasoned randomizer fans and newcomers. In this setup, each player will have their own set of game worlds, with the items needed to progress scattered across everyone's worlds. It's crucial for everyone to work together so we can all complete our games.

Event Details:

Date & Time: Starting . The multiworld is asynchronous, so players can plug away at it at their leisure. It will run throughout the awards season.
Supported Games: Check out the supported games here
Registration: Open until . You MUST send me all your YAML files before then.

Participation Requirements:

- A stable internet connection. Doesn't need to be super fast, you just need to be able to connect to the multiworld server.
- PC copies / ROMs of the games you wish to play. We cannot provide these.
- Emulators for any ROMs you're using.
- A forum account.
- A Discord account also preferred for quick / real-time communication.

Check-In Requirement: Participants must check in at least every 72 hours. This can be with a forum/Discord update, or progress in your worlds. Failure to update us on your progress will necessitate the release of your worlds to prevent others from being stalled.

Setup Guide:

For a guide on how to set up your games, follow the tutorials. At this stage, you ONLY need to set up your YAML files and send them to me. I'll give you further instructions to set up your games when the time comes: Setup Guide

Player Count:

Minimum Participants: 3 players
Maximum Participants: No limit (for now)

Recommendations for Participants:

For Beginners: Start with 1-2 games that you're pretty familiar with. Familiarity will help you with working out where to go with the items you have.
Game Selection Advice: If the games are lengthy, or you're less familiar with them, limit yourself to a smaller number of them. A maximum of 4 worlds per participant, though we recommend fewer if you're a beginner.

This event offers not just a test of your gaming skills, but also an opportunity to interact and cooperate with others in a dynamic and unpredictable environment. Each game world is a new frontier teeming with surprises, where every player's decisions can significantly impact the collective outcome.

For any questions or additional details, feel free to ask!

We're excited to see you at the starting line. Let the adventures begin!


IDUsernameHas DiscordGames
1fantanoiceYes1. OOT
2. SM64
3. Pokemon Blue or Emerald
4. ???
2RevinYes1. Kingdom Hearts 2
2. Hollow Knight
3Meta KnightYes1. SMW
2. Super Metroid
3. LttP
4TPGYes1. A Short Hike
5Fun With DespairYes1. Dark Souls 3
7SuperchaoYes1. The Messenger
2. Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom
8Cosmic CowboyYes1. SM64
2. SMW
9NabberYes1. Hollow Knight
2. Dark Souls 3
3. vvvvvv
4. Slay the Spire


IDUsernameHas DiscordGames
xInsaneBlathersYes1. Undertale
xTurbooYes1. Stardew?
2. SM64?
3. OOT?
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I might need some help setting things up but this sounds fun!

I'll do my 3 titans of the SNES: Super Mario World, Super Metroid, and Link to the Past
Thanks for signing up! That's minimum players reached, let's go!
I'll play Minecraft
i'll sign up tentatively,
I am currently looking at maybe Stardew, SM64 and/or OoT, but I will finalize the amount and actual games later. is it ok to take the same games as other people? I assume it is but I wanted to be sure
Thanks all! First post has been updated!

i'll sign up tentatively,
is it ok to take the same games as other people? I assume it is but I wanted to be sure
Yes, you can pick the same games as other people

smw, yi, emerald, sm64, stardew if turb plays it
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i did a test run of minecraft with this format and it was unfortunately very bad (minecrafts fault)... i will tentatively un sign up unless i can think of a different game to play...

ok i looked at the game list. re sign up with A Short Hike
i have no idea how this works but i would like to try:

hollow knight, dark souls 3, vvvvvv, and slay the spire
Thanks all! First post updated. Also, thank you everyone who has sent YAML files already.

We now have a thread on the Mario Awards Discord server in the Tournaments section. Be sure to follow it!


smw, yi, emerald, sm64, stardew if turb plays it
Hey, for now we have a max of 4 games each. Which 4 do you most want?
Thanks all! First post updated. Also, thank you everyone who has sent YAML files already.

We now have a thread on the Mario Awards Discord server in the Tournaments section. Be sure to follow it!

Hey, for now we have a max of 4 games each. Which 4 do you most want?
sorry i didnt see that, i will get back to you and edit this post

question: are beta games not in the page allowed? (stuff from
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I'll accept anything from In Review or higher. Mainly mentioned supported games in the OP to keep things simple. Note they can be trickier to set up and can miss quality of life features like a good tracker.
Yes. Based on how the document is sorted, I'll take anything In Review or higher.
I'll accept anything from In Review or higher. Mainly mentioned supported games in the OP to keep things simple. Note they can be trickier to set up and can miss quality of life features like a good tracker.
In that case I would prefer to drop Dark Souls 3 and pick up Banjo Tooie
Reminder folks - you have ONE WEEK LEFT to sign up and get your yamls in!