the official "u did it" thread

I weigh 97 pounds and have a blood pressure of around 98/78. My height is around 5'1

I don't get how I manage to stay skinny despite my love for junk food. And I have a pretty crappy, sedentary lifestyle.

Yes I went to a woman doctor yesterday. My twin said something about pap smear that will occur next year, and I really don't want to do one. Ugh.
Baby Luigi said:
I weigh 97 pounds and have a blood pressure of around 98/78. My height is around 5'1

I don't get how I manage to stay skinny despite my love for junk food. And I have a pretty crappy, sedentary lifestyle.

i love junk too but I'm 230 some pounds

and even then I'm not much off an eater

and I'm lazy too because for the most part I'm sitting all day

and I'm 6'1"
Feels like this should go in the "Fun Facts About Yourself" thread. But yeah, you weigh more than me and my twin combined. My twin weighs slightly more, so our combined weight is around 180 pounds, and you can still knock down both of us.

Anyway, my friend said that we will go Christmas shopping this Thursday. I have almost zero bucks. I can't buy anything. I feel so bad. I even told my mom that I don't want to receive any gifts this year because I am financially unable to give back (since chances are, my friends will buy me something since they know how much I like Mario stuff and merchandise)
Some people can just eat and eat and never gain weight thanks to high metabolism and body type (ectomoprhs), others grain weight really easily (endomorphs), and some gain and lose weight easily (mesomophrs).

That sounds rough: I know the feeling and it's so not fun. I don't suppose you have stuff you could give away? One year, I gave my friend a whole bunch of my own LEGO minifigures since he loves making little armies and such, which monetarily, was a cheap-ass present, but it was hard parting with my own stuff and I spent a lot of time on the selection, so it was meaningful and he really liked it. Food, especially homemade goodies, go over well too: one batch of cookies could cover a lot of friends, especially if you make custom cutouts (I always give my boss homemade chocolates, jam or cookies). If there are any used book stores, they're often a good source of inexpensive gifts too, but again, one bach of cookies could stretch your limited dollars further, methinks.
It's been like this for a while. Another of my friend has gotten me a Villager, King Dedede, and a Little Mac amiibo while they were restocked. The only thing I did in return was give him was money for a Fox amiibo. That's it. He and his family assure that we don't owe him anything, but I seriously feel otherwise. I feel like I'm just receiving and not giving, and I feel selfish.

I have a lot of stuff I can give away, since I'm a casual collector of Mario merchandise, but the problem is that I still value them myself. They look good on my shelf. I guess I could give away one or two things I have. Homemade food is an excellent idea, I really like it though. My family and I had cooked various dishes for my friend, and he said he wanted to eat the steak we cooked for him last Thanksgiving again, so another steak dinner sounds really idea.

To give you an idea how much money I have, I have only 20 in my bank account. No more, no less.
Nozomi Toujou said:
1, everyone in my family has one (except my parents who have none)

i feel like we're derailing this now
My full name is 23 characters long. I have two middle names but I generally use and abbreviate just one of them. My full name's also obvious indication of mixed heritage as well.

Baby Luigi said:
To give you an idea how much money I have, I have only 20 in my bank account. No more, no less.
And there's no income. Period. It feels like when you spend, it's gone forever. It hurts so much to spend and I feel so guilty when I buy things especially when my family is struggling. When I ask for things, I feel like an entitled parasite who deserves nothing because she won't get off her ass and work. I just got a horrid dream a few nights ago where my father couldn't afford to give us $100 each this time for Christmas so we have to go through another year broke and jobless.

I'm still bugging BLOF to find a job, as she's wasted an entire semester doing nothing, and she's now two semesters behind me, and what am I gonna do once I'm done with my GEs and ready to transfer? Am I gonna have to wait for her!? I don't feel like going to my transferred schools while my sister still goes to community college; my parents definitely won't handle it, and it's not like we can get a car because we don't have money for driver's insurance and arrrrgggh.

I should get a job too in the meantime.

What can we give away? I feel horrible that whatever we give away is such a shoddy gift to new purchased things. It's like, "hey, we think it's trash; you can have it". I think maybe an intricate and beautiful drawing of our friend's persona... maybe. But my drawings are... not amazing and no one around me is a trained and experienced artist. Sigh.
5+5+7= 17

It used to be 5+5+5 but at some point in my life I have had my last name changed
It's actually kind of personal but basically my mom was married again so i had my name changed too.
oh ok

so on another note I bowled a 110 today and tied with the 16-year-old on the lane next to me
they must be pretty short then

either 3-6 or 4-5

or vice versa too
I've finally started cracking down requests

So yay. If you need a King Boo model for NSMBW over Boos, then...I guess ya could ask me.
GabbyHayes said:
My school has been selected to go to Rose State to do BALLROOM DANCING! They only had 8 slots, and 17 schools were trying to go, too! MY SCHOOL MADE IT!

My school won the whole entire freaking thing. We're getting new shoes.