What would you do if?

Spend the rest of my life as a reclusive hermit because I would never be able to live that down.

What would you do if you were summoned by Zordon?
Uhhh, call my parents or someone to get me home?

What would you do if a dog ran towards you at light speed? (Of course, that depends on what dog is doing it)
Not much, considering I wouldn't be able to see the dog.
What would you do if your house was haunted?
Call GhostBusters... or :luigi:.

What would you do if you were locked inside a bank vault for a weekend with no phone?
Be very, very bored.
What would you do if you could only see things that were purple?
Work until I do.

What would you do if your arms and legs were replaced with cybernetic replacements?
Probably panic that they would malfunction, cry, and cause them to malfunction.
What would you do if you woke up and found that your hair was long and bright pink?
Be fabulous! Also get bullied.
What would you do if one of your legs was significantly longer than the other?
I guess awkwardly hobble around dragging the longer one across the ground.

What would you do if you were a doggo.
Bite someone, and then play the organ badly. The Bach would be worse than the bite.
What would you do if you heard a terrible pun?
John said:
Try to come up with a comebach instantly.

I would be disappointed, but it would not be the end of the world.

What would you do if your favorite show getting canceled did cause the end of the world?
Be very, very confused.
What would you do if you came back to your house and found there was no furniture in there whatsoever?
Play Someone Keeps Moving My Chair by They Might Be Giants.
What would you do if you started twitching uncontrollably?
I'd have to train at the temple of Luiginess, to master the art of doing absolutely nothing, even though it takes years to master.

What would you do if you had to win a staring contest with a fish?
Probably punch the fish.
What would you do if you could steal any item in the world and not get caught for it?