E3 2015 Hopes and Speculation

I imagine Rare's "Project Ukulele" will have a lot of info revealed come E3.
I don't know how true this whole "no new Mario games for 2015" crap is, but anyway, I'd like new Mario games that aren't Mario Maker or Puzzle and Dragons, especially the sports or other spinoffs for the Wii U. Feels like forever since Mario Sports Mix was out, you know?
Mario sports mix 2



Moar Mario sports
irate gamer is garbage but hes gotten away from being a watered down AVGN knock off
Paper Jorge said:
irate gamer is garbage but hes gotten away from being a watered down AVGN knock off

when he launched a huge tirade against avgn i think thats when we all started ignoring him and his skeleton pal.
I haven't heard anything good from Irate Gamer. So yeah, I'm avoiding him.
i shouldnt go here when im drunk


i knew irategamer before avgn so i thought he was pretty funny

then i found avgn and now i think the same of irategamer as everyone else.
Zelda Wii U is delayed and also won't be shown in this year's E3

Well, I hope Link fans don't get too mad since the game is kind of already in the distant future, but lack of E3 footage might sting.
Baby Luigi said:
Zelda Wii U is delayed and also won't be shown in this year's E3

>not calling it link wii u

Who are you and where's blof?
Magikrazy said:
Baby Luigi said:
Zelda Wii U is delayed and also won't be shown in this year's E3

>not calling it link wii u

Who are you and where's blof?
Wow, I didn't even call this faker out for that.