Hyrule Warriors

well, skull kid could always be added as free dlc later if you already bought the mm dlc, right?

like they did with cia and her lot, is what im thinking.
The Skull Kid costume is over Lana


so, uh, yay?
With the Majora's Pack recently out, anyone tried out the new characters?

I know this post is pretty late to this, but recently played this at a friend's place, I really enjoyed Young Link. I heard his C1 is OP: you transfer your special attack meter to your focus spirit meter and Fierce Diety Link WRECKS bosses.

I really want to own the game now, it's a crapton of fun.
Baby Luigi said:
With the Majora's Pack recently out, anyone tried out the new characters?

I know this post is pretty late to this, but recently played this at a friend's place, I really enjoyed Young Link. I heard his C1 is OP: you transfer your special attack meter to your focus spirit meter and Fierce Diety Link WRECKS bosses.

I really want to own the game now, it's a crapton of fun.
Not until I buy the game
I didn't think of mentioning that here, it's difficult to get back into this game after taking a break since there's so much to do that I can't picture a clear end any time in the near future.
I didn't play this game in ages either, but mainly bc I don't see the point in the dlc atm (tingle tho) and no motivation
I recently bought the game and the 20 dollar DLC pack and it's been really wasting my time

My Young Link is stupidly powerful, ever since I completed one mission in Adventure Mode where you have to kill 800 enemies in 10 minutes also with Manhandlas and trying to get an A rank on that one (not without my sisters help of course!). It dropped so many powerful weapons, like 420 power ones, though it's probably not the most powerful because it has only 6 slots, not 8 slots. I have next to no problem A-ranking many missions in the first map so far but I haven't unlocked all characters yet.
Hyrule Warriors just sucks your time away.

Hell even the vanilla game has a lot of bang for your buck.
oh yes, it definitely does.

The game also makes me want to try out some of the Dynasty Warriors games my brother owns on a PS2. The multiplayer is probably the primary reason I also enjoy the game so much, and I think I found out that I'm a fan of well-done hack and slash games like the Warriors games.
He's like four years older than me and has like some sort of knack for League of Legends (I see him play it everyday and I'm always a bit curious about how the game works so I often ask him stuff, but I never really intend to play it myself since it looks really stressful at times).

He said to me that, hey, Hyrule Warriors is just like any Warriors game, but one reason Hyrule Warriors interested me into trying it was the Zelda skin, really. And my god there's a whole lot of Zelda references to this game; it's like a celebration of so many aspects of the Zelda franchise. It's like fan-service candy if you know what I mean, and I'm not even a die-hard Zelda fan myself :P
Hyrule Warriors is the epitome of Zelda fan service. In many different ways.
Mcmadness said:
Hyrule Warriors is the epitome of Zelda fan service. In many different ways.
Unlike Mario Kart. You know what I'm saying, Mcmadness, eh? Eh? *wink*

Anyway, I love Hyrule Warriors to death even though I'm only a moderate Link fan. Link has always been my favorite Legend of Zelda character as ridiculous as his voice and outfit are (it makes him more charming IMO).

The game made me realize how much I like hack-and-slash and I might try out other Warriors games. Besides, Dynasty Warriors has Chinese elements. I'm always a fan of seeing some of my cultural heritage in a video game.
Indeed I do.

Also I just looked through all my DLC. God I'll be dead before I finish all this.
Great, why does America get the DLC last? I was really looking forward for the patch that fixes the godforsaken loading times -_-
Yeah when I heard the Majoras update destroyed loading times, I didn't even bother turning the game on despite the urge to use Tingle. I'm glad they're fixing the problem, though.
Wben does NA get the update?
First few weeks in March, I believe.
I've been renting this (My local library had a copy). Welcome to the first and probably only Zelda game I've actually finished the Story Mode to xD

That probably just says how much I suck or not as into the Zelda series. But for what it's worth it's truly a fun game for both sides of the coins. For Zelda fans it's full of fanservice and is a crossover that would be impossible canon-wise in the games. For non-Zelda fans it's a fun short little hack-and-slash that's good for a rent for a few days.

The only time I really had some frustration is that in the level where you have to defeat the Zant. I kinda backed myself into an unwinnable situation because I took too long and/or didn't protect the Home base enough. Because no matter what I tried. Either going back to the base to try to kill all the enemies over there or trying to kill Zant as quick as possible, the Base's health was just too low and I'd lose because the Base is destroyed. So I had to restart the entire level.

But otherwise it's pretty satisfying destroying like 20 enemies at a time with one swipe of the sword. And averaging about over 1000 enemies killed in each stage. It's so ridicilous but at the same time really makes you feel like a force to be reckoned with. Which can be very fun in short bursts for Video Games.