What's the weather like outside right now?

While y'all are in the cold, I'm still experiencing very warm days with cool nights and mornings. It's supposed to go away in the middle of next week and start to turn into what I usually feel in November. It must be La Nina or something coming at a different time than the one in 2012(as long as it doesn't affect this winter, I'll be cool).
Ah, since yesterday, the unseasonable temperatures have been gone(but not the fucking mosquitoes for some reason, though that may change at any time) and now it's beautiful in the 70s and going back to normal, with future forecasts in the 60s and 70s. We're also starting to pick up on rain(though it's still dusty) because it rained lightly the other day and I'm seeing to rainy days on the forecast for this week(and I hope it's true). Nothing like being in a snug warm house on a chilly fall morning. Ahhh, November is great, and I hope that this is the end of the dry heat of 2016.
It got so cold today that the thermostat said it was 59 degrees in the house. Plus wind. Screw winter wind.
it snowed a bit yesterday, and today it's cold enough for mom's van to not start up
It's nice and chilly out there, I love Californian winters.
In three days, it went from staying below 4 degrees C(39 degrees F) to being barely below 70 degrees(21 degrees F) at 8 AM. Hopefully, the scattered showers will give me some time in the afternoon to enjoy because the next to days are supposed to stay below freezing with frigid wind chills, and since there's supposed to be a big storm tonight that causing the temperature to drop significantly, it'll probably be all slippery and stuff with ice.