What's the weather like outside right now?

clear sunny and warm
Okay, so I just saw a weather report and for the next baseball season where I live, the high temp is going to be over 100 degrees F every day.
it's raining here 0_o
Cloudy but not raining.

I wonder if it's the sane way at home.
It is raining and there is a lot of wind, and it looks like we might have tornadoes. :(
I normally like rain, but when it's more than that... :mad:
Cloudy, but beautiful. Some sunlight shows on the trees, a little bit of the blue sky is exposed, the sun shines beautifully on the clouds as it prepares for dusk. The temperature in the lower 70s and the nice gusts of wind complement this as well as the green, fully-grown plants. It was supposed to rain, but nope, it just rained a little bit last night.
storming and I can't watch the news b/c of the lighting

It's cloudy and cool. I like this.
nice and cool now
Partly Cloudy here in Jerusalem.
Mostly blue skies and rain at the same time.
blue skies and sunny, mild temperature