Super Mario 3D World

What do you think of Super Mario 3D World

  • Best Mario game yet, loved it

    Votes: 14 20.6%
  • Best Mario game in a while, really liked it

    Votes: 39 57.4%
  • I enjoyed it but I was hoping to see more

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • It was okay

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Disappointing, expected it to be much better

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • I hated it

    Votes: 2 2.9%

  • Total voters
The Nutcrackin355 said:
The Grinch said:
I basically just searched for another con so it looks more professional.

Doesn't that just make you look even less professional?

Judging from the reactions I saw I would say yes.
Clair said:
The Grinch said:
-Music. 60% of this game's music has been reused. Although that isn't necessarily bad, I would have loved to see more new stuff.

What.....? That's one hell of an exaggeration.

There's only two "reused" tracks I can think of off the top of my head: the Gusty Garden theme and the Snow Overworld from 3D Land, both of which have been remixed and aren't practically copy/paste like the New Super Mario Bros. series post-Wii.
In those Slot-machines there is a remix too, but still, there's enough new music. No problems with the musics.
LakantatheQlaus said:
Clair said:
The Grinch said:
-Music. 60% of this game's music has been reused. Although that isn't necessarily bad, I would have loved to see more new stuff.

What.....? That's one hell of an exaggeration.

There's only two "reused" tracks I can think of off the top of my head: the Gusty Garden theme and the Snow Overworld from 3D Land, both of which have been remixed and aren't practically copy/paste like the New Super Mario Bros. series post-Wii.
In those Slot-machines there is a remix too, but still, there's enough new music. No problems with the musics.
Can't forget the 3D Land theme's, the Jazzy Main Theme, the theme for the Cloud Heavens, and Underground, but there are slight differences in them.
The word "remix" is used wrong.

Fearless Fosdick said:
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is basically Super Mario Galaxy with new addons and worse swimming controls.

It does not deserve anywhere near a 9/10, yet its Metacritic average is 97/100. That's way too high. There's nothing so redeeming about Super Mario Galaxy 2 to warrant such an unbelievably high score, so I think there's huge bias. It's not just the critics either. The fans also praise this game up the ass.

Super Mario Galaxy is still original, but like the first one, its Metacritic score is way too high (again, 97), but at least an honest score would be closer to this.
It's as if people might have different opinions THOSE MOTHER *bleep*ERS

No, reviewers are paid to do reviews while some fans are just blindsided by Galaxy. Some even say that the models in Galaxy are hi-poly. While they are moderately hi-poly, games including Mario Party 9, Mario Super Sluggers, and Mario & Sonic have higher quality models. It's just the glitzy shine effect in Galaxy.

Galaxy is overrated. Both games are. 8-9/10 is far from a bad score, but when you compare to other games that got 9/10, they pale in comparison.

Anser said:
I think that both Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 deserve their 100/100s very freaking much. They're awesome games, and no game is perfect. Their problem is the swimming controls, and all Mario games have been awful at that. I'm sick of people saying that Galaxy 2 doesn't deserve its praise just because it's a rehash of another game. If the first one was excellent, and this one is a rehash, of course it's excellent too. That doesn't make it have less credit.

It makes it less original and more like a game cashing in and tailcoating off Galaxy 1's universal acclaim. Just because all Mario games have terrible swimming controls doesn't excuse any of them from bad swimming controls.

By the way, the Gusty Garden cover in Super Mario 3D World is a crappy one. The cover from Super Mario 3D Land ice theme is a nice one; too bad the tune appears less often than that other crappy cover I mentioned earlier.
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Some even say that the models in Galaxy are hi-poly. While they are moderately hi-poly, games including Mario Party 9, Mario Super Sluggers, and Mario & Sonic have higher quality models. It's just the glitzy shine effect in Galaxy.
Can't say about Sluggers and Sonic for their models aren't at TMR, but if I look at Mario's model from Galaxy and compare it to the one in Mario Party 9, Galaxy's does is higher in quality. Unless you look at the model that is used in Mario Party 9's title screen, which features a model which tops both.
Galaxy's model is higher quality? I guess so for Mario. Even then, Mario Party 9's title screen Mario beats most. For enemies and objects in Galaxy, however, they are considerably lower quality, so Mario Party 9 is the preferred game to use models, in, say, Garry's Mod.

Sluggers and Mario & Sonic are frequently used games for porting high quality models into Garry's Mod. The reason I continue mentioning Garry's Mod is that it's one of the few games where I can see models up close without having to rummage through a 3D program...
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Fearless Fosdick said:
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is basically Super Mario Galaxy with new addons and worse swimming controls.

It does not deserve anywhere near a 9/10, yet its Metacritic average is 97/100. That's way too high. There's nothing so redeeming about Super Mario Galaxy 2 to warrant such an unbelievably high score, so I think there's huge bias. It's not just the critics either. The fans also praise this game up the ass.

Super Mario Galaxy is still original, but like the first one, its Metacritic score is way too high (again, 97), but at least an honest score would be closer to this.
It's as if people might have different opinions THOSE MOTHER *bleep*ERS

No, reviewers are paid to do reviews while some fans are just blindsided by Galaxy. Some even say that the models in Galaxy are hi-poly. While they are moderately hi-poly, games including Mario Party 9, Mario Super Sluggers, and Mario & Sonic have higher quality models. It's just the glitzy shine effect in Galaxy.

Galaxy is overrated. Both games are. 8-9/10 is far from a bad score, but when you compare to other games that got 9/10, they pale in comparison.
Ah of course I forgot the part where everything you said became fact.
Fearless Fosdick said:
Ah of course I forgot the part where everything you said became fact.

Yes, how could you make such an obvious mistake.

But if you ask me about Galaxy 2, I think it's a better game than the first. I enjoyed it more at least and thought the galaxies were better and more creative than the originals. They knew what worked and didn't since they had the first galaxy game to go off of. But really, who gives a fuck about another persons opinion if it doesn't match with your own. If you say you do then you're lying. you liar, lying is bad unless it's the lying down kind of lying, then it is okay but the bad type of lying is bad.

Actually, why the hell are we even talking about Galaxy 2 in the 3D World thread?
Yeah, no. I don't assert my opinions as fact, even if it's implied, but I do think my opinions have a valid and justified basis and therefore, I stick with it.

I get ruffled when a game doesn't deserve high scores in my opinion. Look, I want to like Galaxy 2, but I can't, especially if the praise it gets is undeserved. It's not just "one" person's opinion; it's nearly every critic and many Mario fans that hold a differing view of mine, and I often get berated for having that opinion. I've been called a "troll" once for saying that Galaxy 2 feels like an uninspired cash-in.

Why are you berating on my opinions anyway? I feel like you're acting my 8-9/10 for these games is a bad thing.

I don't know why we're talking about Galaxy 2; this probably stemmed from my saying that Super Mario 3D World is also another overrated game by the critics.
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Yeah, no. I don't assert my opinions as fact, even if it's implied, but I do think my opinions have a valid and justified basis and therefore, I stick with it.

I get ruffled when a game doesn't deserve high scores in my opinion. Look, I want to like Galaxy 2, but I can't, especially if the praise it gets is undeserved.

Why are you berating on my opinions anyway? I feel like you're acting my 8-9/10 for these games is a bad thing.

I don't know why we're talking about Galaxy 2; this probably stemmed from my saying that Super Mario 3D World is also another overrated game by the critics.
Look I understand what you are saying because I personally hate both Galaxy games with a passion (I would give it like a 3 or a 4 which is only slightly higher then I would give sunshine) but you sit there acting like you're opinions are high and mighty saying that people who think that the game deserves a 10/10 are biased fans when in reality they are simply people who enjoy the games more then you. Also you seem to be upset that the critics gave this game such a high score when they simply gave the game what they thought it deserved because they thought the game was perfect. Also I reject the notion that just because a game lacks innovation that makes it a sub par game because from what I understand smg2 simply took the best parts of smg and made a game out of it and from what i've heard many people preferred that to the original smg
Well, part of my snobbish opinion is probably stemming from my difficulty for seeing opposing views and that I've grown a tad bitter from being constantly berated from other people that label those that don't agree with their views on Super Mario Galaxy 2 as a "troll" or "idiot". I've stated that Galaxy 2 has same graphics, same HUD, same gameplay for the most part, and its only notable new features are levels, powerups, and enemies, which shares what New Super Mario Bros. 2 offers. The difference is that New Super Mario Bros. doesn't have spectacular gameplay in the first place while Galaxy 2 was worked from a great game, so it is welcomed. So, what are the downsides? Galaxy 2 is released only a few years after Galaxy 1, so some of that originality and novelty the first game offered is taken away. I don't see how Galaxy 2 refined the gameplay of Galaxy 1 since Galaxy 2 feels and looks nearly the same. I say, the only vastly refined feature is the co-star gameplay, and I applaud Galaxy 2 for that. I would be less harsh on Galaxy 2, however, if Galaxy 2 was made for a next generation console rather than just some years later. I think the timing of the game's release has influenced how I view as a game, and so my cynicism has made my view on Galaxy 2 skewed and has probably left a bad taste in my mouth, which will further influence my view on Mario platformers; New Super Mario Bros. 2 only aggravated the situation.

Critics are also paid to do reviews, so their reviews may be biased or less honest than normal people's opinions on the game. We don't know a reviewer's intent, but I say that usually, their reviews are spot-on. The metacritic score for both Galaxy games, though, triggers an eyebrow raise for me.

I have never said that if a game lacks innovation or redefining a genre, it must be a sub-par game. Super Mario Galaxy doesn't really break the mold of Mario games. This isn't Metroid Prime where gameplay has been drastically altered or Wind Waker where graphical style has been taken into a totally different style. Yet, its gameplay is wonderful and it has impressive visuals for its time. On the hindsight, however, I didn't find Galaxy to be insanely good, but it's still a great game.

Anyway, let's continue on.

Super Mario 3D World isn't much of a insanely good game either, just like Galaxy. There are simply too much flaws (especially in multiplayer) that get in the way of gameplay for me to consider anything higher than an 8.9/10. I enjoyed 3D World more than Galaxy, though, and I have enjoyed both Galaxies AND 3D World. Again, great game, but overrated.
I've got an idea. Let's get rid of rating scores altogether, and just talk about good and bad parts of the game.

After all, no one cares if a review is bad, just as long as the score is high/low enough for their taste.

Also, "originality" is not part of a review score. You don't say "Oh, it's not original so it can't get 10/10". A review score is based on how well the game looks, feels, and plays. Whether it's a sequel with reused graphics shouldn't affect that.
Except people will and do get tired of the same game but with some new features every year. I think it's a valid complaint about apparent laziness, but who am I to decide what has a valid base or not?
Yes, there is a valid problem with it, but I don't think that detracts from the overall quality of a game. A game doesn't get judged SOLELY on what new things it brings. By that logic, all COD games should automatically get, like, a 3/10 or something. Do you notice they don't? Not even reviewers who hate COD give it a bad score, because while it doesn't innovate, it's still a well-made game. That's it.

SMG2 can be a bad game by personal opinion, but it's not a bad game within the accepted criteria of what makes a game good or bad in a game review. And that's why SMG2 has a high metacritic score.
Of course it shouldn't be the sole thing to judge a game, just as with every other criteria. If the game feels tired and the same, however, it is highly unlikely it will get a 9/10 or even 8/10 because having that feeling that the game is manufactured rather than crafted is not a good feeling.

I never said Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a bad game. I do think, however, that it is an overrated game.
well off this stupid ass discussion

ive been watching some of the gameplay and an lp of 3d world and it looks pretty fun to be honest.

Cat suit seems pretty extreme and the challenge doesnt seem to be there so far, but overall the game looks solid.

Also love the visuals.
Alright I love this game.

Currently on World 6.

Every level so far has been unique and fun (unlike past 3D Marios where you played in the same world for multiple levels).

People say Galaxy deserves a 10.

But no. I find this game way way better.
This game is definitely more fun than Galaxy. Bowser's themes have way more charm here.
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
This game is definitely more fun than Galaxy. Bowser's themes have way more charm here.

World Bowser is the best world in the game
Baby Luigi said:
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
This game is definitely more fun than Galaxy. Bowser's themes have way more charm here.

World Bowser is the best world in the game

pretty sure its the best looking world ever

crap is hilarious
One of the best parts, although the neon lights and the swanky music help, is that the overworld theme breaks the trend of Grass, Desert, Ice, Water, Mountain, Cloud, Lava trend that we desperately want broken.
Yeah, but it's too bad that there is still that trend in this game. :(

I would have liked a ghostly world, as I thought that would have been really cool. Some of the levels were really good with being misty and haunty.
Oh, yes. That snow-themed ghost house is nice.

What intrigues me though is that it seems that only the first level is in conjuction of the world theme. All the rest are unrelated to the World theme. Just check the Snow world. Only one level, the first one, has a snow theme while all the others have random theme. I'm not sure if that's a good idea that Nintendo did.