Nintendo Network

I am following you DryTroopa. I will add your request soon. My Wii U is put away at the moment and just using my 3DS, which doesn't let me add friends.
Anybody I haven't added; you're going to have to send me a request if you want to add me, because I already sent you one and got no response. I don't care enough about it to do that more than once.
Mio Akiyama said:
Anybody I haven't added; you're going to have to send me a request if you want to add me, because I already sent you one and got no response. I don't care enough about it to do that more than once.

Same here.
My Wii U has been acting kinda strange lately. My personal mii (the one pictured above) keep getting changed into my brother's mii (which is named Tage :3). I don't know why this keeps happening, but it does... so don't be too surprised if I suddenly look like a boy.

My "real" name is AmandaRuth, and I don't have a Wii U Chat.

Edit: I added all of you to my friendlist btw (+follwing). c:
so yeah i'll be on my wii u more often now so if anyone wants to add me and i haven't accepted yet please tell me
i've had to follow literally everyone because apparently not having a wii u that is able to connect to the internet without a load of trouble makes me a bad person with no friends :(
I'm trying to get to everyone today.

I'm starting with Toxbox, but I can't find any friend button or whatever.
Magikrazy said:
I'm trying to get to everyone today.

I'm starting with Toxbox, but I can't find any friend button or whatever.

Go to Friend List from the Wii U menu, then hit "Register Friend", enter the NNID, and send them a request.

I've sent you a request, you just have to accept it.
Oh, you need to use the Wii U?

I've been using my phone to access Miiverse.

In that case, it will be a while before I can get to everyone.
I have a couple of Friend Requests from people.
One of them sounds like he'd be from the Mario Boards, but I'm scared if I'd say the NNID, it would violate his privacy.
Jolteon said:
I have a couple of Friend Requests from people.
One of them sounds like he'd be from the Mario Boards, but I'm scared if I'd say the NNID, it would violate his privacy.
What privacy. This is the internet. It's just a username, it'd be the same as me saying that I use my username on YouTube. Uh oh. I said it. Now I have no privacy. Bummer, except it doesn't even matter because nobody gives a shit.
Jolteon said:
I have a couple of Friend Requests from people.
One of them sounds like he'd be from the Mario Boards, but I'm scared if I'd say the NNID, it would violate his privacy.

As long as the NNID isn't RudnickiX06 it should be fine.