What if your avatar met the avatar above?

Where I sense the octopus. My sense of sensing is as strong as his.
No, it must have eight arms, or else it's just a face with tentacles.
I have daggers, but I don't think it's that cool. I also have my own hands.
If you run out of light arrows, I can give you two ancient arrows if you want. Since they're from a Hyrule from the future you haven't visited yet, they must be overpowered for you.
If you take the TP one, then yeah. But unfortunately, you're late, I used my arrows.
Why does everyone say that? I am Prof. Karasuma, I don't do the laws!
When I don my nice white suit, people think I'm gonna marry the princess! Sounds nice, huh? Well, I think that's going to be a busy time, and I don't think a little humble plumble like me can handle it, to be honest. Hope you get a suit too, bro. It'll look good on you.
Um... I'm supposed to be helping this guy called Bowser kidnap a princess, and you look like one. Do you mind if I kidnap you?
I do not have time to rescue princesses, I have to rescue the world!
Humanoid Octopus? Destroy the world? Remember? Assassination mission?