Control the Throne

I continue to chill in Dimension D for a bit, but I get bored. So I lock Luna in a magic-resistant cell made of adamantium, and then I take the throne, and sit on it. I then summon up an ottoman to put my feet on. And an end table. And a bowl of Tostitos. And some salsa.

The throne is now mine!
I, using my scepter, transforms The Wind Mage into dust.

I take the throne, the ottoman, the end table, the bowl of Tostitos and the salsa.

You wretched brat! I reform as a Dust Golem, and beat you to a pulp. I take the throne, the end table, the ottoman, and the tostitos/salsa back! Now, all shall call ME master!

The throne is now in possession of the almighty Wind Mage!
First I heal. I pulverise you using my trustworthy bazooka charged up with bombs, then I take the thorne, the Ottoman etc...


Iggy Koopa Jr said:
First I heal. I pulverise you using my trustworthy bazooka charged up with bombs, then I take the thorne, the Ottoman etc...



you die of over excessive laughing
Since the bazooka knocked me back into dust form, I reform into a dust golem again. I then take Iggy's life force and use it to transform back into my previous form. I then scold Luna for breaking my well-built cell, and toss Luna back into it, then repair it. I then throw it into the sun (didn't miss this time). I then summon an extremely comfortable cushion and put it on the throne. I then sit on the throne.
I step in and call for a MEGA SPIKE TOP. It doesn't appear.

I then just shoot Wind Mage and fix the now-structurally unsound throne.
Spiky Topps missed with his gun, I only pretended to get hit. Right before you turned everyone into duckies, I teleport away. I then teleport back. Since everyone is now a duck, (Including you, The Undertaker) I now take the throne and proclaim this place Ducklandia.
The Undertaker returned at a house show. That means he don't deserve the throne.


I then sit on the throne. The hole it left makes it easy to sit in for my duckified self.
Agh! I knew I should've been worried when I he didn't appear! Since I only had 1 life left, I appear in the Underwhere. After 16 hours of walking, I make it to the Overthere, and take over. I then enslave all the people there, and use all of their power combined to transport the throne (and only the throne) to the Overthere (Now known as the Realm of the Wind) and I place it in the large building at the far right of the realm. I then sit on it.
I use a giant fan to blow away your Wind Realm. I then go back in time to steal the throne and being it back to the present, then sit on it. The hole is still there. Oh well.
*B45 breaks out and takes the throne and transforms back into normal self.
Mega Spike Tops for both of you it must be.

I then augment the throne from the present with ornamentation of the throne of the past, and sit on it.
We then take the throne to my impenetrable fortress in the valley of death surrounded by 8,000 Udani protection spells (those are impossible to break through without being an Udani wizard) and an army of my clones, which, if you didn't already know, are very very hard to defeat.
Rising from the grave, metaphorically speaking, I grab Neptune's left foot from the underground. Applying precise pressure, he is unable to use magic to free himself of my grabbing. I pull him to the underground before anybody can stop me. I apply other precise pressure to allow me to cast a single spell. That single spell disables the magic from all my persecutors for long enough. I apply my studies, and rob part of Neptune's power. I then cast the most dangerous spell I know, one that teleports the throne to where I am. I studied the Valley of Death, The Udani, and Neptune's fortress for enough time to apply this which I have posted. I flee to Venus, so good luck wizards and non-wizards. I have run out of magic, but I don't use magic to survive, as it is useless in Venus's atmosphere.
LN1 said:
Rising from the grave, metaphorically speaking, I grab Neptune's left foot from the underground. Applying precise pressure, he is unable to use magic to free himself of my grabbing. I pull him to the underground before anybody can stop me. I apply other precise pressure to allow me to cast a single spell. That single spell disables the magic from all my persecutors for long enough. I apply my studies, and rob part of Neptune's power. I then cast the most dangerous spell I know, one that teleports the throne to where I am. I studied the Valley of Death, The Udani, and Neptune's fortress for enough time to apply this which I have posted. I flee to Venus, so good luck wizards and non-wizards. I have run out of magic, but I don't use magic to survive, as it is useless in Venus's atmosphere.

you weren't trained by us, you don't know any magic

perhaps that was happening inside your head?
I teleport into the Valley of Death, because the spells are around the valley, not in it. Then the clones surround me. If you've ever seen "The Matrix: Reloaded", you'll know how this fight turns out. After I fly away from all of them, I smash into the throne room of the fortress and we have a climactic duel on the stairs. After I stun you temporarily, I put the throne in an elaborate backpack and teleport into uncharted areas. I then cast an anti-teleportation spell all around me. I toss the throne down and sit on it.
You can't teleport through a force field. And they are in the valley of death. There's 8000 spells, how would I fit them all around the valley?