Control the Throne

I keep expanding my taco resturant chain. We have a special deal this week. Buy 10, get nothing free. Remember, we're open 25 hours of the day.
I still want to join you! I just got back from a meeting with the Udani, and now I am ready for adventure!
Never fear. I'm well known around the Wiki World. I get free tacos whenever I want them.

But I hardly ever have to eat anyway.
I was actually just briefed on it. It's a long while away, but I'm sure we can get to it before the day is up. It's in the Frozen Farc.
It's good that I'm traveling with an enthusiastic someone.

You should refer to this map when we go adventuring. As you can see, we're in Bowserpedia right now, and we have to go straight north to get to the Frozen Farc.
...I didn't bring a coat...
Anyway, are we going to go across the Gulf of Bowserpedia or go the long route through Wikipedia?
Well luckily I am the King of Bowserpedia, so we can always take a ship. The bad news is that we have been at war with the Mario Party Wiki for a while, and though we aren't at the moment, I have a fear that they will not take to us too kindly. I'm sure they won't mind, however.

And as for coats, we can always stop off at my Guild. The guild is our stock point, and I'm sure they have coats!
--- In the Guild ---
So I have these fantastic workers here, and I'm sure they can provide us with coats and ships to our likening.

Blue Koop!

[me=A Blue]Koopa comes rushing in, and to his surprise, Neptune the White stands before him[/me]

Blue Koop: M-Master Neptune! You've returned!

Please, just call me Neptune, my old friend. We're really only passing through. Tell me, we need coats and a ship for a quest we're going on. Can you provide?

Blue Koop: First things first, Hello, mam, my name is Blue Koop, nice to meet you. It's an honour, really, anyone who is a friend of Neptune's is a friend of mine

[me=Blue]koop is vigorously shaking IcicleRain's hand.[/me]

Blue! Please, I need your undivided attention. Tell me. How is our stock?

Blue Koop:, you see...we lost our entire stock of ships when we went on that one expedition last month. We can happily provide you with coats and food, but as for transport, there is none!

Oh for goodness sake...Sorry, IcicleRain, it looks like we will have to go ahead on good are you at swimming?
*Rolling wrist* Well, since I can turn myself into water, I'd say I'm pretty long as there aren't any very strong currents. Are there?
Aye, indeed. Thank you for help, Blue Koop.

Blue Koop: So long, Master Neptu-Er...I mean Neptune!

Almost went back for a slap on the face there.

--- Leaving Bowserpedia ---
Our next stop is Wikipedia. They're very busy around here.
I suppose that's to be expected. Also if you were curious, this is pretty much my character:
I wanted to put on cat ears, but my laptop isn't that good at those kind of things, so I left it.
^i thought so. That's pretty much how I'm going to see you from now on. :P

This is pretty much how I see myself:

However, since my new avatar change, I see myself as this character:

Strange, I must say.

[me=A rustle]is heard in the trees. Neptune lifts up his staff slowly, and blasts a bolt into the trees, and Blue Koop falls from the trees. Neptune scurries over to him and holds him up.[/me]

Confound it Blue Koop! Have you been following us?!

Blue Koop: S-Sorry, Mister Neptune, sir, I didn't mean to, I mean I did mean to, it was just... Well I was a bit worried about you, you were saying you were going on that expedition and...please sir, don't turn me into anything...unnatural...

Calm down, Blue Koop. I'm not going to hurt you. You have nothing to be worried about, however, we are perfectly fine, my good friend.
Blue Koopas in trees? I must say this land is much, much stranger than mine. I'm starting wonder if this is all just a medication-induced hallucination.
No, no, Blue Koop has been following us since the Guild. It's only right that we send him on his way, he'll only hold us up-

Blue Koop: Sir, if I could please accompany you on your quest, I an be of great help!

Ugh, what do you think IcicleRain?
Blue Koop: Ah, thank you, thank you very much, sir!

Come on Koop, you're jumper than springy joe!

Anyway, let us continue on foot, shall we?
Well, we could. But since the wind is blowing in the direction we're heading, I could also turn all of us into clouds and we'd get there much faster. Not that I'd ever do that to someone without their prior permission, of course.
Cloud Travel?! Now there's something I've never tried before! And I've tried several things in my time here! Very well, let us begin!