Control the Throne

GutsehMan said:
I send all your magical top hats into a black hole, making you powerless. I make a throne inside the pokeball, making that the new throne. I sit in it, and forever engrave my name in it with an unbreakable metal. Throne Get. (GutsehMan, August 16th, 2011: Forever Throne)
Engraving is impossible because it's impossible to damage the throne in anyway.

Throne get for correcting you.
Why? Because I used spoilerz.
I blast you away again.
I switched the throne with an electric chair that looks like the throne. You sat on it and got shocked by a high voltage of electricity. I then take the actual throne.
I have loads of avatars and you all only have one.

Throne get.
I send you a letter saying you won a mansion. You tell your brother the news, and he goes to the mansion to celebrate with you. While you check the mansion out to look for him, you get scared of a ghost and a professor saves you.

Throne get.
I use my Magical Top Hat to regain classiness than i summon dragons who eat you
Throne get
*dances with fairies* (Gutseh Fail Count: 2) *quacks* (Gutseh Fail Count: 3)

Throne Get.
Gutseh Fail Count: 4
You fail so much that you make a fake throne out of blueberries and sit on it. A bear finds the blueberries, and eats them. You sit on the bear, and he gets MAD.
During this time, I steal the throne.
Throne Get.
Your clones turn against you and destroy you.

Throne Get!
My clones disappeared when I changed my name to -21, so the previous statement is false.
Throne get.
I cheat and win instead.
Throne get.
Mario whacks you with a hammer and steals the throne. Bowser comes to stop him, and accidentally inhales them thanks to the vacuum shroom I gave him. I kick Bowser away.
Throne get.
I steal the throne. Then, I take a picture of me sitting on the throne, and enlarge it to the size of the universe. Therefore, I sit on the throne forever. (Teh universe is endless.) I blow up all throne-making materials to ensure, only I have the throne. Endless Throne Get.