Control the Throne

im still in your mind even if your 100 years into the future

throne keep

This is the 5,802th way to get the throne. So I do something associated with the number 5,802. Throne Get.
I simply make your Top Hat, Monocle, and Wicker Cane explode. I explode all the spares too, and any other magical devices that you have. I then fix the spacetime continuum so that it can only go forward, and cannot be reversed or stopped in any way.

Throne get.
I use a all powerful prayer (non magical by the way) to summon the legendary Octo-god who is a 17 foot tall ocotpus with Boxing Gloves a sword Tentical who also wears a hat. The Octo-god uses his powers to kill you and reverse all of the damage done to the fabric of time allowing me to take the throne as well. My Lord than recreates all of my magical items
Throne get
I never lost the throne; all of this was actually an illusion inside your head. Your Octo-god doesn't exist, and you are currently gibbering on the floor in one of my holding cells.

Throne keep.