The Official Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Kai/Super Thread

Dragon Ball Super is over. What did you think of it?

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  • Disliked it

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  • Hated it

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I thought there were a few missed opportunities for jokes here and there...

  • They could have made this a pseudo-Christmas special by having Paragus dressed as Santa when he arrives on Earth and presenting the new planet as Vegeta's Christmas present.
  • When Goku asks what kind of a person names a planet after themselves, Trunks could have answered "my grandfather" and that'd lead Goku to wonder why he'd never heard about this "Planet Briefs" before.
  • When Broly asks about Goku's power level, Goku could have tried to remember the last time it was officially measured and settled on Vegeta's mistaken reading of 1006.
I'm going to be watching Dragonball Super's english dub as it progresses. Already saw the first episode.

Though I remember hearing that alot of the beginning of Super is mainly recaps of the two newest movies (Battle of Gods and Resurrection F). While I at least don't remember Goku farming or recieving money from Hercule during that movie. When does Super starts it's own unique stuff?

I know I'm going to be really behind since I know Japan is like already nearly to Episode 50 with English subs. But I much prefer watching with the English voices I'm familiar with. I love Dragonball but I don't think I can watch it without the main voice cast I'm generally used to (AKA Sean Schemmel's Goku, Christopher Sabat's Vegeta/Piccolo/misc., etc.)
Super is actually through Episode 73.

The first 27 or so episodes are retellings of the two new movies, with some extra filler and story alterations. I won't spoil it but some fun shenanigans ensue in the Resurrection F saga. Unfortunately they really just end up being rehashes of the movies with worse animation.

First episode of the dub was good and faithful. Goten and Chi-Chi sounded a little off. The replacement for Kid Trunks was near identical and sounded good. Looking forward to hearing Chris Ayres' Freeza again. Easily on par with Ryūsei Nakao's performance. I am cautious moving forward regarding Black and Zamasu. Their Japanese voices were flawless and I'm afraid the dub voices won't hold up. Especially considering Black's voice in Xenoverse 2 was pretty underwhelming.
They released the full Broly movie but THEY MESSED UP

They made Roshi leave early, forcing them to animate a completely new ending to replace the official one where Roshi bulks up, puts on his Arale mask, and singlehandedly finishes off Broly.
So they released a small teaser for the Universe Survival Arc...



Can someone tell me what the FUCK I'm looking at?!

They'll probably have their own take on at least the first Broly movie, with certain elements of it fine-tuned for continuity's/storytelling's sake like Goku being SS Full Power throughout the whole thing and Broly being defeated in a more satisfying way like, say, a combination of the spirit bomb and comet camori or Roshi at maximum power in his Arale mask or Yajirobe just cutting him in half like he did with every non-regenerating villain.

It also might give us an interesting look at what kind of person a Legendary Super Saiyan would be if not for traumatizing factors like their home planet's destruction or a baby crying for three hours.
New poll because I want to foster discussion. What is your preferred way to experience Dragon Ball? I'm curious how fans here do so. I wish I had more experience with the manga but I have not read it in full.

As far as anime goes, it's tough to say. If it's dubbed, then I feel it has to be Kai. The original Z dub is unbearable. Rife with significantly out of character dialogue and changes to characters, some pretty poor acting at times, and non-stop, unfitting techno music. And awful Granny Freeza. Kai fixes all of these by being true to the source material and removing a lot of filler. Everyone is much more in character and the new voice actors, notably Freeza and Bulma, are leagues ahead of the original dub.

I initially didn't watch the show in Japanese, but Super has given me a new love for the OG cast. Goku, Freeza, Vegeta, and Cell are the biggest stand outs for me. If I'm watching subbed, I don't mind if it's original or Kai. They make even the slow paced original show bearable where it dragged for me before. Not to mention the Kikuchi score, which is wonderful.

I would kill for a Kai recut of the OG Dragon Ball (Pre-Z). Watching that with an improved English cast and less filler would be wonderful.

Let me know what you guys enjoy.

EDIT: Is there a way to change the poll to allow multiple votes? Or am I just dumb and not seeing the button?
GalacticPetey said:
So they released a small teaser for the Universe Survival Arc...



Can someone tell me what the FUCK I'm looking at?!


Oh man! Ohhhh man! This is going to be great!

A sizable portion of Broly fans are into the character because to them he's this big, monumental fortress of testosterone and manliness. They're going to have an absolute meltdown now that he's a woman, lol.

Also: Hey, first female super saiyan.
for me, it's always the original Z dub. yeah, it's kinda bad, but the nostalgia factor overrides it for me; so many memories of watching it on toonami as a kid

...well, and abridged
I prefer Original Dub. Sorry if I come off as too much into nostalgia but while there are certainly some real awkward moments in acting especially early on in the Namek saga. But many of my favorite lines come from the original dub that weren't present in Kai. And I still enjoy Bruce Faulconer's soundtrack for the series.

And quite frankly there's some filler that I don't mind. I don't like how in the Manga and Kai we see nothing of Gohan's year of survival in the wild. Where we did get to see that through some filler in the original. And while not as big of a deal, there are some funny filler episodes like the one Goku and Piccolo go to driver's training. I just feel some of the filler allowed for some more slice-of-life stuff for some of the characters. Were while it is good to get straight to the action with how Kai shortens things. I'm not saying there's no unneeded filler. Whenever I want to start watching DBZ again I don't normally decide to watch say the Garlic Jr. saga for example unless for some reason I planned on rewatching the entire series without skipping any episode whatsoever (Which is ludicrous)

When I do go back to watch DBZ it's usually to rewatch the Android/Cell Sagas since that's my favorite part of DBZ hands down.

Though on another note. I have not seen all episodes of (original with Kid Goku and such) Dragonball or Dragonball GT. I might end up doing that soon though at least for Dragonball, since a local library system can allow me to rent some of the season. As for the latter, I know it's not entirely well-liked and made non-canon by Super. It's a short series compartively to both Dragonball and DBZ so it might be at least nice to see what I missed even if it doesn't turn out that good.
The Funimation cast has definitely improved over time. Schemmel and Sabat have really grown into their roles. I'm also glad they've moved past wildly altering the script and replacing music.

I think it was the worst during the OG Namek saga dubbed. I mean, just listen to this.

All the actors were pretty inexperienced and Freeza was especially bad. Linda Young is a fine actress but horribly miscast as Freeza. I get nostalgia and all, but you can't tell me this is a good performance.

While we're on the subject, I want to post one of my favorite scenes from Kai.

Chris Ayres' Freeza is phenomenal.
It might be at least partly because of the original that the Namek Saga is my least favorite of the four main sagas admittedly. Though even in Dragonball Kai where they certainly improved voice acting in areas there's still some things that bugged me. Like the music got too repetitive, I swear I heard a certain music track at least once every episode during a decent part of Kai's version of the Namek Saga. Now it wasn't a bad track mind you, but certainly repeats enough to the point it got noticable.

I think I did see at least part of how Kai did the Android/Cell Saga. But quite frankly it was less memorable to me to watching how the original did that part of the show. Haven't really been too interested in seeing how Kai does the Buu Saga, maybe some day later.
I can tell you that Dameon Clarke is wonderful as Cell in Kai. You can tell he's having a ton of fun with the role. As with the rest of Kai, the acting is improved and the script is more faithful to the original Japanese.

IMO the SSJ2 transformation is done better in Kai as well. There's no dumb internal monologue after Gohan watches 16 die. It's silent except for the music. Much more effective. It also helps that Gohan has a better voice in the scene as well.
And thus Goku doomed everyone. Again.

Seeing Vegeta smile for a split-second was kind of cute.

Also, new opening is pretty good.
I don't think it's entirely Goku's fault. I don't think he expected for Zen-O to add that rule for the tournament.

Episode was very good. I like the new art style and the new opening is great.
Well, he did have ample warning. Ignoring Beerus is kind of understandable since he's quite moody, but even Whis told him that it's a stupid idea.
Make sense. I'm not sure what Goku was expecting when God is essentially a five year old. And there's two of him.
I've been watching TFS' playthrough of Dragon Ball Fusions, and it makes me kind of sad how underutilized fusion is in the show. It's such a fun concept with lots of potential. Almost makes me wish there was some sort of alternate timeline spin-off where fusion was more stable and used more frequently.

Interestingly enough, this would also somewhat mitigate the problem of side characters being rendered obsolete by Goku and Vegeta. Characters like Tenshinhan or Piccolo may not be able to rival the main characters in power, but they have a whole pallete of wacky techniques with interesting battle applications. Combining Goku's strength with these characters' versatility would give them some time to shine, and probably also be fun to watch.

Yeah, I know, it's never gonna happen. Goku and Vegeta dislike fusion. I just like to imagine it.
Yeah, fusion's such a cool concept, but it doesn't go anywhere. The short amount of time Vegito appears is great, and I wish they did more with him. Seeing characters like Piccolo and Tenshinhan take advantage of it would have been cool as well.

And now for something else...

DBS Episode 78
Those other gods are gonna be pissed when they find out about the rule about universal deletion. Goku's not gonna be popular at this tournament. Who'd a thunk that Goku's Zero Mortals Plan would be more effective than Zamasu's.

Loved seeing Buu and Satan, especially the interactions with the gods. Also laughing at the fact that Satan has more respect for the gods than Goku. Here's to hoping Buu wins his match though. I think it's easy to forget that Buu is a very dangerous opponent. That smile of his at the end brought back a lot of memories of the Buu saga. Hope he wins. If he does though that likely means Gohan won't. Oh well, I'm sure he'll have his chance in the actual tournament.
I liked how Goku was told several times that his actions were completely irresponsible, and that he should take responsibility for once. I kind of hope that's going to be the general theme of this arc, and that he'll have to learn his lesson. Kinda like what Vegeta went through in Z.

Also, really feeling for Beerus this episode. Worst case scenario for him is he and his universe are going to be erased, best case scenario is Goku essentially doomed his brother. And he can't even blow up the guy who caused this mess because the universe needs him as a fighter.
Currently laughing at people who are convinced that Zamasu is coming back and is possesing the second Zeno because he raised the wrong hand / is left handed. I mean, I like Zamasu and think he was a great villain, but the I don't want him to be cheapened by a lazy comeback.
I don't think Zamasu has the necessary subtlety to convincingly impersonate someone anyway. His default MO is to point and scream "Sinner!" and bring the light of judgment down upon them. That doesn't really go well with subterfuge. Plus, he was an insane cloud before he got destroyed. I doubt his mental state was coherent enough to formulate a plan that complex.

I'd chalk the difference between both Zen-Os up to a weird timeline quirk. Kinda like 17 and 18's fluctuating power levels.
so after dragon maid finished i needed something new to watch and super was it, caught up recently and hot damn.

Super is pretty good, universe 6 arc was great, goku black arc was good, and the new arc is looking mighty sexy.

Also hit best character.